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WindowsXP Ban Appeal


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RP Name: 101st TR3 WindowsXP
Steam ID: 
Date of Ban: 05/09/2017
Length of Ban: 1 week
Offense: mic spam
Banned By: Tomas 
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: basically what happened was that i was mic spamming a 4 second clip of the windows xp startup sound, i did it once and the 501st loved me so more people started to like it infact the whole server apart from like 2 people loved me, the 2 people were major eduji and hound from CG, i played the music i got put in jailed and i was banned for a week. now the reason i think i should be unbanned or ban time reduced is that i've spoken to multiple admins on the TS and they agree that the ban wasn't fair or should be reduced. i tried to talk to a director, got ignored. tried to talk to owners they didn't care. so im bringing it to the forums page as suggested by admins. multiple players were liking my meme like the entire 501st, shaak ti windu 212th and loads of other regiment even cg commanders were fans. overall i find it ridiculous to be banned for a week for something i was encouraged to do and it was a 4 second clip.
Evidence to support your claims: i have no evidence apart from people if u want to admit in the section below that u loved me doing my thing that is kind of evidence within its self.

Edited by WindowsXP
i forgot to add something.
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You came into my channel as well and played the clip when we asked who you were. It was funny. I wouldn't constitute it as mic spam since it's a very short sound clip and you only played it once.

A week seems excessive, and if the channels you joined were open and you were not asked to leave, I do not see much of a problem with this.

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Windows you are a good fucking meme dude but this is seriousrp. we like to have fun but and you can talk using windowsxp for fun all you want but a way to not get banned is by doing it AND breaking pts during debrief with it. I honestly want you to return tho, good meme.

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57 minutes ago, Nap the oof said:

Windows you are a good fucking meme dude but this is seriousrp. we like to have fun but and you can talk using windowsxp for fun all you want but a way to not get banned is by doing it AND breaking pts during debrief with it. I honestly want you to return tho, good meme.

dont you think a week is a bit much though for a 4 second clip in debrief isn't that cg's job to do the punishment. 

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Honestly anyone who has known me is all about the meme value of things, but,  "Oak's words echoed... There's a time and place for everything, but not now." Walking up to the middle of the stage during a debrief and playing the windows xp sound I have to admit is pretty funny but it is still disruptive and annoying. A week ban for that may seem like a bit much as it wasn't ear rape or racist, it was quite simply windows xp startup.

tldr: I think a week ban is understandable but still a bit much for what was played. But examples need to be made...

Edited by Egg
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