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Okay so obviously you guys didn’t  hear Jackson he said leave it to plus one and minus ones, so here is where you can have your discussions.

but No Flaming and such

Edited by Pythin

Former: Liaison


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I think for the sake of the community, it would be better if we end this now before this gets worse. At the end of the day after reviewing both sides, I feel we all need to chill out but also realize this is a tournament that people on the server train for. People are competing for a reward so they should come up with strategies to win. SOBDE need to acknowledge they lost and move on. I don't think they meant it this way, but posting a suggestion to hurt the team that just won because they lost makes them look like sore losers. At the end of the day Rancor won and we should just move on and battalions should come back with new and better strats to counter Rancor next season. I think we should end it here though, because it's over and it's clearly a touchy subject.

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