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Lay off game makers

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Hey guys its Monty now while I'm not a game maker myself I have been in enough events to see that it takes some work to make a event so don't annoy the game makers about doing events guys let them do their IRL stuff and let them do a event when they want instead of asking for events just something I wanted to say k bye

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And also don't get pissed off of the event isn't what u wang or if your batt is getting no action it's a event be happy that it's happening also if someone wants to do a rp event don't complain 90% of events are shot em ups so just be patient ok that's all


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9 minutes ago, Fido™ said:

no he isnt new pyle just because someone doesnt use the forums doesnt mean they are new(i was apart of icefuse for 4 months before i made a forums account)

Bruh i never said he was new, i literally just said "wut"

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It really depends on what type of person you are as a game maker, on icefuse I did about 4-5 events daily, I found it really fun doing events and I loved doing them, people would yell st me saying stop doing so many events because I did so many

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I'll say this, for the days that I am here, and not super burnt out, I do 2-3 events A DAY. It's not that hard, it is annoying and there is a lot of planning, but it takes an hour and a half to get a good event out. 

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5 hours ago, Forseen said:

I'll be honest, myself as a Game Maker, I usually make it up on the spot and it usually turns out being a pretty good event. Others tend to plan. It depends on the person.

probably mostly people's actual thinking patterns - some people have to preplan for things that go wrong whereas some people (like yourself and to an extent, me) are able to plan on the fly if stuff goes wrong (alternatively you're pretty solid in driving roleplay in events in general to an extent when you once derailed Beb's event to be Tuff going HAM on our Venator because you sold him off to me in exchange for the event job)

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8 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

probably mostly people's actual thinking patterns - some people have to preplan for things that go wrong whereas some people (like yourself and to an extent, me) are able to plan on the fly if stuff goes wrong (alternatively you're pretty solid in driving roleplay in events in general to an extent when you once derailed Beb's event to be Tuff going HAM on our Venator because you sold him off to me in exchange for the event job)

That mother fucker "Don't take him but take the smelly Wookie!" TUFF HAS SO MUCH PROMISE. 

Rest In Peace Tuff X15 2017-2017

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If i ever become a game maker i want to do LOTS of RP based events for different batts like a event where the gm need to go out into space or a negotiations event for mah boys in the 104th or maybe a event where a fugitive sneaks abourd disgized as a clone for the cg and then ill also do some shoot em up events and events that are a mix or RP and shoot em up

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