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CIS Faction/ Random Encounters


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okay so this is not my original post, it was originally suggested by the DU SSG Eagle, he's afk right now and when i proposed the idea to lighig he said to put it on the forums to see if it would get any traction

okay so, the idea was simple, increase the rate of encounters, instead of relying on admins to make it happen let the players decide when to do random encounters, personally i think it's a bit on the chaotic side, however with some fine tuning it could actually be a good idea, for starters keep the list secluded, instead of allowing everyone access to the encounter event keep it simple, host tryouts to test people and make sure we don't get any minges looking for an easy way to create chaos

i haven't quite figured out the whole random spawn problem, like right now all the droids spawn in the hall  of entrapment, pun intended, i'd let the admins or whoever decide what would be a decent spot to get this going

and also, the health, people have a tendency to die, respawn and go right back to  fighting, clones as of right now only have 500 health, and 250 armor, maxed out, without squad bonuses, droids I think should reflect these numbers a bit in order not only to make it fair but also to prevent players having massive amounts of health, now if there are droids that have tremendous amounts of health they should be small groups (2 max) to prevent overwhelming numbers with so much health it's impossible to defeat the numbers

now i would just like to state once again, it is not my original idea, i don't even know if eagle was serious when he said it, but if it does gain traction i'd be happy to help him get it working because it's actually a decent idea if it can be fixed up to the point of fair

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1 hour ago, TheDoomieDoom said:

and also, the health, people have a tendency to die, respawn and go right back to  fighting, l

That’s something we call breaking NLR (unless in Base cause ya know they spawn there). But people use the lame excuse of “I’m rping” so they can come back 

Edited by Arroyo
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Doomie players can choose to do encounters at any time they want. Just contact a Admin or a GH, such as myself. If you have a good idea it can be done but if it seems to mingy then the admin will probably say no. 

Also to address the point the droid health is maxed lower because the CIS mentality was to overwhelm with numbers not quality.

Also implying that if they die in the courtyard they have to wait for NLR to be over is a lot. They are attacking a base with lots of clones so it makes sense that more would show up. Even if that mean people who died just run back up. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Aaaaaaaahhhh coming back from the dead real quick.


This has been an idea since the day I started swrp but there are maaaaaaad drawbacks.

1. Progression, droids don't have ranks.

2. Classes, B1, B2, Commando, Droideka, Tactical. That's it....

3. Where would it fit on the server?

4. What would you remove to add it?

5. Event job Dooku vs. Whomever applies and gets dooku.


Those are just a few, off to find more milk. Byeeeee


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8 hours ago, ttv.TheMedicTV said:

Aaaaaaaahhhh coming back from the dead real quick.


This has been an idea since the day I started swrp but there are maaaaaaad drawbacks.

1. Progression, droids don't have ranks.

2. Classes, B1, B2, Commando, Droideka, Tactical. That's it....

3. Where would it fit on the server?

4. What would you remove to add it?

5. Event job Dooku vs. Whomever applies and gets dooku.


Those are just a few, off to find more milk. Byeeeee

First off hey Medic how's it popping xD
Also -1

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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