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Staff Abuse Report - ST 2ndLT Ben


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RP Name: Private Spacer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:61264229

Staff member you are reporting: Ben

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable):  I logged out before getting it. Sorry.

Staff Members Wrong-Doing:  Abuse of staff power: 'mute'

Explain the situation: After some heated discussion, I was told to bring the discussion to PM's. I did, as shown in the video below, and I was then muted without explanation.

Evidence (If applicable): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaMTM9AfuJI


NOTE I: This is simply a report of the abuse of staff powers, I don't wish to start or engage in the discussion that's non-staff 

Note II: My name is an inside joke and is meant no shade/disrespect against anyone.

Edited by DemoteThire
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2 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Neutral Leaning to +1. He was in the wrong and you did everything right,  I see it as a abuse. You need to let the story play out, and not just mute them because you don’t want to talk to them. That is abuse, but still you only do that for people being real toxic, and as it shows you weren’t

I will admit, I was openly arguing my arrest in main chat, so I can see why he thought I was going to continue. But muting pre-emptively... yeah no

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5 minutes ago, Alucard said:

first Off he was Tresspassing in Bunks and I was given approval to mute your chat for you causing Drama in OOC which for obvious reasons is valid this staff report is highly stupid

I don't think you should've used the word stupid for this report. We all make mistakes, but this could've been a miss communication on both parts. I would suggest giving your full story (up to you) and the person who gave you the approval. Also, you did unmute him, but how long was he muted, plus the full reason? Were there any warnings given out, or was DemoteThire even talked to about the drama?

Edited by Faded
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He was trespassing in HC Bunks and so for he was arrested and causing Drama in OOC After that I Muted his Mic There is No mistake in it his chat wasn't muted for that long and I had valid reason to Mute his chat after he got Arrested he started causing the Drama in OOC So therefore I Muted his chat he was also being very toxic and mingy at the same time 

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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1 minute ago, Alucard said:

He was trespassing in HC Bunks and so for he was arrested and causing Drama in OOC After that I Muted his Mic There is No mistake in it his chat wasn't muted for that long and I had valid reason to Mute his chat after he got Arrested he started causing the Drama in OOC So therefore I Muted his chat he was also being very toxic and mingy at the same time 

He was legit standing there in the video and I slowed down to watch the video. I saw no clear sign of mingeyness. Al he wanted was answers?

Former: Liaison


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2 minutes ago, Alucard said:

First off we need to hear from the owner of the bunks to allow you in there and @Pythin he isn't showing the whole chat and you haven't seen everything 

Okay but as of now keep it to LIGHT discussions and +1 and -1

Former: Liaison


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I know that isn't how it works. This was my reasoning.


Qal has personally told me I'm allowed in his office. From my perspective, I can't and don't need to prove that I'm allowed inside. I understand that YOU don't know that, and I was alright with being arrested, and I wouldn't have complained, as a former shock I get it. But I refused to leave because I Know I'm allowed in there. 

I got annoyed because I was threatened with arrest in that particular situation and not arrested. (I wasn't arrested then, but rather, afterward in a separate situation.)

I also provided reasoning as to why Qal may let me in there, because of 1. My name is literally inside the bunks, I asked him to put it there and 2. I'm channel admin in his subchannel. 

And yes, I was causing drama. But when told to bring it to PM's, as shown, I did. Plain, and simple. 

Edited by DemoteThire
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Clearly seen enough. He did what he was told and the mute happened afterward. If you warn someone to take it to PMs then mute him afterwards that makes zero sense. Clearly not the correct move in this situation.

Also, I don't quite understand why it was such a big deal in the first place. If he is just chilling in there and Qal wasn't online it shouldn't matter. Seems more like Shock trying to get their action in for the day TBH.

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8 minutes ago, Bart Versock said:


Clearly seen enough. He did what he was told and the mute happened afterward. If you warn someone to take it to PMs then mute him afterwards that makes zero sense. Clearly not the correct move in this situation.

Also, I don't quite understand why it was such a big deal in the first place. If he is just chilling in there and Qal wasn't online it shouldn't matter. Seems more like Shock trying to get their action in for the day TBH.

its trespassing none the less bart, he could just be another minge trying to sit in peoples office without reason, i dont see why you would give him a plus one it makes no since, dont be a dumbass and use some sense please

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Autism made me do it.

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1 minute ago, Holo said:

its trespassing none the less bart, he could just be another minge trying to sit in peoples office without reason, i dont see why you would give him a plus one it makes no since, dont be a dumbass and use some sense please

Lol, you result to name calling and toxicity.

My +1 stands for the same reason as it is valid. 

Wasn't that supposedly why this whole situation started anyways? lmfao

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I had to go to the HC Bunks Due to Three CTS Trespassing one of them was causing drama in OOC and I Muted his chat due to it I have witnesses for it and after during my Knight Trials I got told about this ive never abused my staff powers if you wish to hear more im currently in TS 

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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10 minutes ago, DemoteThire said:

One last thing: Proof I'm allowed in Qal's bunk.


Qal also posted the same thing in ST's discord.


Edit: Wrong link 1st time. But, ye.

Just because your Qal's friend that doesnt excuse you from the rules tho.

Also that screenshot is from 7 PM and that was one hour later from you getting arrested sooo.

Edited by Josh Schneider
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  • Retired Founder

Please stop causing drama here. Allow the members involved to say their piece. Being the reporter and reportee, unless providing more evidence or a +/- 1.

As a person that was there, and at the time Spec Regimental, I am going to put a Neutral, as I believe this seems to be a situation in which the staff member should have spoken to the player first, however I feel this situation keeps being escalated unnecessarily and should be left with a correction to the staff members actions, so that next time they know to speak to the player first.

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29 minutes ago, Gret Briddlehide said:

HOLD THE FUCK ON. 1st of all: You just had this put in our discord. 2nd of all: YOU DID NOT PRESENT ANY EVIDENCE TO THE CONTARARY AND REFUSED TO LEAVE WHEN ASKED TO. 

I did provide evidence I was Qal's friend, but as I've said, had no evidence I was allowed in there. I refused to leave because I knew I was allowed in there, regardless. 

I understand how that gives you the right to arrest me, but that last part is my thought process

Edited by DemoteThire
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1 hour ago, Bart Versock said:


Clearly seen enough. He did what he was told and the mute happened afterward. If you warn someone to take it to PMs then mute him afterwards that makes zero sense. Clearly not the correct move in this situation.

Also, I don't quite understand why it was such a big deal in the first place. If he is just chilling in there and Qal wasn't online it shouldn't matter. Seems more like Shock trying to get their action in for the day TBH.

^ This. +1.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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1 hour ago, Holo said:

its trespassing none the less bart, he could just be another minge trying to sit in peoples office without reason, i dont see why you would give him a plus one it makes no since, dont be a dumbass and use some sense please

You are not to flame people just for that. This is a post regarding a situation not for you to come here and call people a “dumbass”. And you have a staff rank, restrict yourself.

Also I’ve seen all videos posted. And I see nothing here that is clasyfing him as a minge. He seems to be calm, not like other minges screaming,micspamming, and etc.



As for the situation: Neutral

Staff members need to start thinking instead of immediately acting. You are going to cause more problems if you don’t simply talk to the said person. If you gave him a warning and he took it to pms then he should not have been muted. 

Maybe tell @Qal to put a text screen in his bunks saying who is allowed in there without PTE. 212th and 501st have the same rules, we are allowed in each other bunks without asking for PTE, but if they ask us to leave we will comply.




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So after reviewing the evidence from both sides Heart and I have come to a decision and conclusion. 

The situation seems clear that there was no RP or OOC proof that @DemoteThire was allowed in Qals Office,  Channel Admin is absolutely no proof of permission for an in-game situation. (Subchannels are given away all the time and channel admin is usually given to the subchannel "owner" friends)

Heart has spoken to Ben and he has stated he had already gone to you in-game and told you to stop talking about it in OOC and to take it to PMs and only after continuing to talk about it in OOC he reiterated to you to stop talking about it in OOC and muted you, which allows you to continue to send PMs as you know.(No proof of this but unless additional evidence comes out  this is the decision we came to )

He has been spoken to about his conduct on the report and to take them seriously from now on.

From the video @Gret Briddlehide provided (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2VyGpzj84k) when confronted by Shock you were extremely hostile to and were given additional chances to leave the office before the arrest was made.

This whole situation could have been avoided if you had some way to prove to Shock that you were allowed to be in Qals office which was done after the fact.

You could have just left the office, PM'd Qal, shown it to shock, and they would have never bothered you about it again.

This report has been Denied 


//Moved to denied//

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