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Suggestion: ok so i as a guy that always for stupid things get in a lot of trouble i know the felling when you get PT but PT like people are giveing 200 grama  for someone getting arrested for stupid thing so my suggestion is to limit PT  like i know feeling when you feel sad and you just wanna leave and forget community i did it 2 times but its stupid and its not option so i am suggesting to limit all PTs  i see people enjoy kids doing them but get you self in their skin what would you fell to be 10 years old wanting to have fun do stupid thing get arrested sit in jail than after some adults joke on you give you fucking long ass PT cause you know no one care its stupid and its over my head to just sit and whatch people smileing while someone is emotionaly dieing from in side like i can bet that there is people that left communities like i did cause of PT people that left Regiments cause of PT like i know people will say but he brouk rule he blablabla get your fucking ass in his skin if that was serious rule he would get banned sience its not is it little stupid to give them big fat PT to do shits for 30 min cause one thing that hepend people learn on mistakes!!!

Implementation: Make PT limits


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damn synergy going soft. a limit on pt? fuck no! wrist breaking pt back in the day on CWRP was the worst thing but it works as a deterrent which stops you from being a dumbass. grammar squats are nothing tho

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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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As someone who has given out punishments like these fairly frequently, I can say that most of the time there's a reason why the harsh PT happens (your Gregor Laps, Z-6 laps, etc.) I've personally been trying to move away from these punishments by basically forcing them to do more work in the battalion because of their mistake. However, in some situations, that harsh PT is warranted. If you do something like disrespect, then perhaps I could make you work to get a certain amount of recruits; it would make you have to be better with people and build some charisma. Your lesson would be learned. But if you do something like RDM, then there IS no way to teach you really anything; the best I can do is just tell you to not RDM should PT be limited.

Basically, these punishments have a point. There are a few bad apples out there who love to watch kids suffer but those people can be handled by their superiors formally.

Edited by Ratio
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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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-1 Lolno. The point is to punish. The point is to make you regret what you've done. I usually don't make people do the full extent of what I tell them to do, I let them keep going until I can feel that regret.

One example being a time I gave one person 20 gregor laps, stopped him after a half lap, because in the middle, the punishment finally set in, and he sighed in a way that I can only describe as one's will leaving their body. Then I knew he was done.

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Don't want PT? Don't do stupid shit to warrant PT. If you're giving PT without reason, then you shouldn't have the position you have. But it's meant to be punishment, and if they don't want to do it, learn not to break the rules or learn to be respectful. PT is in place to prevent the rule breakers from doing it again. 

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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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In my eyes, most battalions in this server, if not all, utilize a flawed method of physical training for punishment. Making someone run laps around MHB or moonpool doesn't teach them shit, better to have random weapon inspections, fuck up their gun and make them fix it, actually make them work for something. But then again I forget this community is stagnant when it comes to evolving and moving past useless shit like faces, which are and have always been useless due to the fact they cannot be used in combat environment effectively. Surprising faces are still a think when there is now a compass and bearing system, same for formations, absolutely garbage in a combat environment, the only useful one would be prisoner diamond, but considering players on this server run at mach 10 and can jump like Mario, that factor also renders formations useless. With the resources at your disposal it should be very easy to move past these traditional methods such as running laps, faces, and formations, but it seems that the people on this server are very conservative of their methods.

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17 minutes ago, Twelves said:

But then again I forget this community is stagnant when it comes to evolving and moving past useless shit like faces, which are and have always been useless due to the fact they cannot be used in combat environment effectively.

We know they’re useless in combat and almost everything. We keep them due to role play. In most military services they have faces, literally go look at any movie with a military base and there will be some old man shouting left face or something. They’re in CWRP as well. This isn’t new information, we know they’re useless but. We keep them for R O L E P L A Y. I see your viewpoint tho, personally I believe they do teach something but I can stand in your shoes.

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Let this come as however you take it. I've made people cry in PT. Not because oh no they have to hold a button or type something in their console to do it for them. It was what came with the PT. I was making sure they were being punished and acting like a drill SGT. I also did the same PT with another group and instead they said it was the most interactive PT they've had and they enjoyed it. 

My point is that everything is interpreted differently by everyone and if you can't handle getting beat up, don't fight with the big boys. As in don't do stupid shit and boom it's fixed. 

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