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Scribbles/Prince - Ryloth Rescue, Base destruction


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Name: Scribbles/Prince

Who helped (If applicable): Jumes, Marvel

Event name: Ryloth Rescue, Base destruction

Summary of the story: SO, 212th, Rancor were deployed to the planet of Ryloth to raid a base. On their way they encountered Twi'lek slaves and found out their chieftan had been taken to a cell, Specops and Rancor Snuck into the Base and took out the Droids guarding, while Some split off and disabled a generator for the base. Once they had rescued all the twi'leks they began the attack with 212th on te main base, after taking out the AA gun Emplacements. 

What was the result of the event?: They stormed the base over the Rayshield bridge and destroyed everything speratist related on the inside, after rescuing the slaves and their people. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying in th e beginning, with a spicy shootemup at the end. 


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10/10. This is exactly how an deployment event should be. 1 life for the added pressure to the troopers, and the ability to revive the fallen to make medics very valuable. The story was amazing and the roleplay, outstanding. The twists and turns we took added the most immersion I've been in for a while.


I hope I participate in more like these.

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10/10 I loved watching SO take the L using the cloaks on event server but it didn't matter cuz they ganged up on droids and ounched them real stealthy like. :)


i am literally captain tukk

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5/10 from a 212th perspective. We stood around on a hill for half an hour with nothing to do, giving us the impression that we either weren't supposed to be there or that we were forgotten about. When we were clear to move in, it was well done where we felt like we have a proper goal. (other then the awful map but that's not under your control.) 

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4 minutes ago, CarrotMist said:

5/10 from a 212th perspective. We stood around on a hill for half an hour with nothing to do, giving us the impression that we either weren't supposed to be there or that we were forgotten about. When we were clear to move in, it was well done where we felt like we have a proper goal. (other then the awful map but that's not under your control.) 

I 'did' give you an option to join in the firefight down below

Edited by Scribbles
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2 minutes ago, Metacrisis said:

Kinda obvious that it wasn't designed for more than 1 battalion, and the waiting was a little long, but otherwise I had fun. 8/10

Truth be told, I was only planning to deploy Specops. But i wanted to try and give people something else to do, but thank you for the feed back ❤️

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I got disconnected near the start but had my troopers report to me, and from what I heard it was a solid 10/10, they had kinda hated waiting but i reassured them that being a operator was about taking time and lining it up right. That being said this was about the most stealthy I've seen an attack battalion and I'd love to do stuff like this again!

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