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Military Ban Appeal


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i mean, this is the only time he actually made a ban appeal, so I guess he cares



”Guys, Peacock is just like Joey!” 

So, that was a fucking lie.

Edited by Spooky
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+1 I feel that it has been a year since his last ban appeal a year is a pretty long time in terms of attitudes. He may still be mingy but the worse that can happen is you unban him and give him another chance and he ends up minging so you just reban him. Literally takes seconds at most to reban him. Plus that was Clones Wars. That shit is mingy by nature.

Edited by Baelfire

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Lie and scheme as much as you want to get back on the server, waste as many hours as possible of Staff's time and do it all in the effort to just burp in debrief one more time.

You're the class clown that keeps being held back and gets off on the praise the newer and naive members give you for you antics.

It's clear the members want you back because they do not suffer for your behavior like Staff does, but you're not worth wasting hours of Staffing time for 5 seconds of your minging so you can have 5 more seconds of fame.

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Do you even take this serious;

21 hours ago, Peacock said:

Offense: I didn't do shit


21 hours ago, Peacock said:

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I deadass didn't do anything

Well you could just tell the truth to start with and not making carter tell us what YOU have done. I wonder how you can say that you haven't done anything... 


If it's true what @Carter said then -1.

You've done more harm than good to the community.




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I've been here for a very long time. Peacock has been nothing but a meme to the community who would do everything to his power to get the meme.


It is unbelievable how he got away with some of the shit he did. It was in no way malicious to the server at all and I would in no way compare it to the jouii situation in which most of you all were never apart of.


So here is what I will say, you should've never made alternate accounts, you never should have evaded the bans. You should have made an appeal the first time you were banned and then stayed clean. Alot of people have done what you have done but were unbanned. But I think your time is up my friend.

It's time to rest in paradise peacock, go to sleep.


You had your chance buddy. I wont forget the memes you showed me when I first joined the server.



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On 12/25/2018 at 12:43 AM, Carter said:

Peacock has ban evaded on many an occasion by creating Alt accounts/family sharing to get on CWRP.

Ban evading is a permanent ban and with the amount of grief he causes staff team on server and TS is a community perm if I'm not mistaken similiar to the Jouii suitation.

bruh wtf u talking about I don't even have alt accounts. I don't even know how to family shar (i'm being deadass). u right i got perma but somoene unbanned me cause i came onto the server one day by accident and I didn't even realize itt was synergy until likle a few seconds in the game.

Edited by Peacock
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