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Kangaroo's Resignation from New Admin


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Name: TR Shock TK SFC Kangaroo

Steam ID: 

Staff Rank: New Admin

Were you VIP: Yes 

Date: Right now, I'll leave it to the wizardly HA's of Synergy clone wars

Reason for leaving: I'm wayy too inactive, sure on the application when I reapplied this year. I said I would be active, however I can't even be fully active on my shock lol. Sad, but true. While talking to others, from member to staff, they told me to just put a ROA or LOA, however when thinking about that decision. I rather just do a full resignation at this point, I'm not even active so all I would do is fill up a space when a individual of this amazing community that @Joah, Zim, Jackson, and all the higher staff dedicated their times, could take my new admin spot and go further den what I can even accomplish. Plus, I do have other reasons and these reasons would cause distrust which I rather not have, so taking actions like these are the best choice. 


I will be sticking around within the gmod server and ts, so I'm not gone fully yet ;)




Edited by McKlean
As i forget to put my steamID, my bad.
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