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CWRP - Hiki's Staff Application


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RP Name: 327th MEDL XO Hiki

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29865877

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 23

Timezone: GMT

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator : I want to be an administrator to help out battalions by spawning dupes and sims for those who wish to run trainings. This hopefully should increase activity and general enjoyment of the server. Also the time I've spent on Synergy has made me gain an attachment to the people I've met and roleplayed with, so I want to be able to give something back by helping out as best I can. The admins I've spoke to and been helped by in the past have been incredibly polite and helpful, which really made an impression on me and made me want to live up to their example. Being in a GMT timezone I should hopefully be able to provide support when the majority player base is inactive so I can help fill that gap. I will try my best to respond to tickets as quickly and efficiently as possible and hopefully be a contributive member of the staff team.


Tell us a little about yourself: Hey, my irl name is Charlotte. I'm 23, so past high school, but not currently working due to illness, so I have a lot of spare time on my hands. I play a lot of video games, mostly GMOD right now due to the strong group of friends I've gained since joining the 327th Star Corps. As XO I take my role very seriously, and whilst I'm able to have fun and enjoy my time on the server, I know when to be serious when necessary. I'm usually on the server at least for a couple hours everyday, although there are occasional days when I am unable to, or have to do other things.


Do you have any previous staff experience? No.


How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) | 430:35:22.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Not currently.


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+1 furry

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From what I've seen and the few interactions i have had and how you have risen through the ranks +1


What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Accepted for interview.

Contact a CWRP HA by  12/9 for an interview or it will result in a denial.

I'm going to tell you dont over stress yourself ease into both roles first, dont take to many roles on, burning your self out on the server. @Hiki

//locked and moved to pending 

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