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CWRP Ben Game Master App


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How long have you played on the server [hours]:1288:39

From 1-10 what would you rate you knowledge on the clone wars 6 

How good are you at communication and leadership skills?: my communication skills are very good when I get pass my stutter and my leadership skills are 
are good but could be improved as im currently trying my hardest to improve it 

Do you understand if you are inactive you will be removed from the GameMaster program: Yes I highly understand and will be very active 

Give us a event Idea that you would like to produce: okay it starts off with the CIS experimenting with a deadly possibly Contagious virus that a couple of republic Civilians contracted while held captive. And escaped the CIS finds out they escaped and active the trackers. They have imbedded in them four to five Frigates and a Capital Ship jump out of. Hyperspace with Grevoius and Dooku hot on the trail of the escaped. Test subjects the virus spreads out turning the citizens into zombies and. Soldiers around them into zombies if attacked or bitten and the CIS sends in. There droids to do a clean up job But there is a. Small handful of troopers still alive along with a few Jedi they. See Grevious and spring into action while the toopers handle the droids. The Jedi Defeat Grevious but Dooku comes on board to finish the. Job Yoda comes and fights Dooku the clones Run to MHB they. See two sentry turrets and droids hot on there asses and they. Use the sentry turrets to there disposal Dooku flees to his ship. With Yoda hot on his tail but Dooku Escapes  the clones and. Jedi start to repair they find one naval still alive they check. The HMC and ER and they Hyperspace back to Coruscant were Emergency repairs are done on the ship.

Place links of two events you have been a GM for [Optinal] 

Edited by [SR] BigBen SA]
some words were mispelled

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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