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CWRP - (Jags) Staff Application


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RP Name: Rancor ARC SGT Jags/ Fleet ENGI CA Jags

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108843969

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 15

Timezone: EST (U.S)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to join Staff because I am heavily dedicated to the server, and always active. 
I have spent countless hours on the server being active and helping my Battalion grow, along with trying
to keep the maturity at a maximum. While being apart of Staff, it is my ability to make the Clone Cadets (CCs) and Clone Troopers (CTs) feel like they belong in the server and make them feel engaged in Synergy activities. After being a Sergeant-Major, and in Intel for the 501st, I think it is time for me to move up 
and help the overall Community, along with having the challenge of Responsibility in being an Administrator helping someone with Whitelists, dupes, GameMaster, etc. With overall Tickets. Becoming a GameMaster has been one of my goals as I have been wanting to give people a unique immersion of Clone Wars RP. People have complained about basic 10 minute "shoot 'em up" events so I would like to bring new ideas to the table like Campaign events that take a few IN GAME Days, like recreating cool battles like the Battle of Kamino, Battle of Saleucami, Battle of Ryloth, Invasion on Rhen Var, etc. These events are a good way to get troopers to do some more RP interactions with each other along with also seeing more Lore banter like General Grievous VS Obi Wan moments. When I joined the server I felt as if I could have possibly been in a real Clone Wars Deployment, the server felt realistic to what CW would have actually been with cool events involving iconic characters. Now it is my turn to bring everything I got to the table and give Synergy Members the sense of Clone Wars.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have a lot of time on my hands everyday, when I come home from school I do my homework then its just Synergy for the rest of the day. I have two sides of myself, being strict in serious moments, and being chill and relaxed whenever. If I am new to anything I've never dealt with before, I am cable of catching on quickly and it will be like I've been doing it for a long time. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: 255 Hours

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No

Edited by GamingSpirits
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