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Jem's Staff Re-Application


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RP Name: TRO 41st EC SUP 1SG Violet

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90622907

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 14

Timezone: CST

What was your previous staff rank?: New Admin


Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): Nope


Why did you leave the staff, team?: I left the staff team because I had many IRL problems going on at the time, this was 4 months ago, and I could never find time to get on, so I decided for myself and for the better of the staff team, that I should leave for a bit, and get time to gather myself.


Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I would love to rejoin the Synergy staff team for multiple reasons. After I took my break I made sure that I wasn't reapplying right off the bat, meaning I wanted to spend some time getting to know the staff members I didn't know, congratulating the ones that are pretty high up now, and getting to know the community as a whole. I know a lot has changed since I left, and I was kind of hoping that was how it was, because of some of the things that were happening when I was here. I would be very glad to rejoin this team, as the community is pretty much at its peak, in my opinion, and I would love to take part in it. Another reason is that there are many people that I see know, that was with me when I was on the server but had to go for a bit, and they were suggesting that I do this, and I'm glad to do this. Another thing is, I think that I would be a great help to this community, now that I am very active again, I'm on everyday, and to be honest, some of the admins don't know how things used to work and in my opinion, the ways some things used to work would be better. What I meant was that I know that some of the new admins just take tickets right off the bat, they never wanna train cc's and they ask why they don't get promotions. On the other hand a while ago when I was staff, we always read the ticket before taking it, just so we don't tp to them and be like "uhhhh what did you want?", and I always cc trained when I could. That used to be the only way of getting promoted, training cc's, and whitelisting, and some people don't like doing any of that, and they still apply, and complain about not getting promoted. I'm not trying to disrespect anyone, just trying to let you guys know that I know how staffing was when it was good, and a lot of people liked it. I know my last application from a few weeks ago was denied, and I wanted to let the community know that I have matured a lot since then, and I know that sounds retarded, it's been 1 month and I've "Matured", but I have, I've started talking to people, I've talked to some of the amazing role-players, and they helped me improve a lot, and I personally think that I have improved as well.


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: I understand

Edited by Jem
fixed title and beginning

Former SO 1stLT Violet                    Former: DU 1stLT FedEx                      Former: Jedi Master Jemmy

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7 hours ago, [SR] Sanchez [VA] said:

Amazing roleplayers I know that referring to me but some feed back you do have a problem with minging so maybe try to fix that 

Why did you leave the staff team so quickly will you be dedicated 


Yeah I will no doubt be dedicated, I would be very glad to be back, and as of now there are no problems in real life, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Former SO 1stLT Violet                    Former: DU 1stLT FedEx                      Former: Jedi Master Jemmy

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CONGRATULATIONS  you have been accepted for the interview process.

You have until 10/21/18 to contact an Head Admin+ for your interview

failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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