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Everything posted by Memesoon

  1. 5/5/5 very fun event both from the droid and clone side.
  2. Memesoon


    idk what happened but I got capped by a droid and bent over a rail
  3. 5/5/5 extremely fun event, the underground was great the droids were not annoying to kill and very fun. great stuff. MORE OF THIS I BEG OF YOU
  4. if only they shot back could have really used some event jobs
  5. I was Mayor Aflac It was going very well until you guys had to role-play well everyone accept the bounty hunters. yeah after all the fighting it got really boring. Hopefully I will be staring Aflac if there is a Pt2 so i can actually do something. just so you know the event it self was good nothing wrong the way it was built or how the admins ran it
  6. Memesoon


    5/5/5 I actually wanted to see the actual ending.
  7. 3/5/5 started out good but got messed up once a 2ndary event started, and we couldn't hear the beeping on the thermal detonators after it exploded. went down hill very fast.
  8. 4/4/5 Absolutely amazing event for something so simple can't wait to see more
  9. 3/3/5 I hate magical boxes
  10. 4/4/5 gameplay was average, what you would find from a normal event, care and effort well its an encounter so not by much but still good, performance was perfect since it wasn't really taxing on the server. also, I'm Mr.imposter i'm Mr.sus i'm Mr.vent crosser, im Mr. Among us
  11. 5/5/3 rip anaxes you will not be missed
  12. 4/3/5 apart from the invisible walls it was a good deployment
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