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Posts posted by Ainsley

  1. 1/2/4

    "The Bad"
    This was so confusing, nothing was explained, very disorganized. RP really wasn't there, the rude behavior and chaos did not help, and I'm honestly really disappointed overall. This was my first Jedi deployment and it wasn't great. I feel like a spent an hour asking what were doing with no response only for it all to be over and still not knowing what we were doing.

    "The Good"
    I felt like there was an idea, and it wasn't able to be executed properly with that many people. Even throughout the chaos the goal was still accomplished so props to the GM and Helper(s) for still trying.

    My suggestion, don't have every branch come to a deployment. To many people for a small task just causes chaos and confusion. Have a debrief before hand to make sure everyone is clear on the mission and it can be executed properly. I really think you'll have an easier time with fewer people and will be able to include everyone in the event.

    These are my honest feelings overall take it or leave it.

    • Winner 1
  2. 1/1/1

    - Minging Event jobs really disappointed with staff on that one, they are lucky to not be AOS'd on main for breaking actual server rules.
    - Server lag was severe wayyy to many enemies with to much health
    - The RP aspect was not there
    - Multiple instances of Event jobs going into staff mode in the middle of combat
    - little to no communication with the GM or event jobs
    - the actual fucking RDM during DB
    Overall it felt like no care was put into the planning of this event, it was hard to take it serious.
    just felt like people wanted to use lightsabers and go at 41st, CG and DU.

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