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Everything posted by Xuen

  1. +1 this guy is very cashmoney. I think he would be a really good fit for BCMD of 41st.
  2. 7/10 good event thank you for doing stuff in the morning!
  3. 7/10 good event straight to the point
  4. Playing on the server with him has been fun and he is a good guy. +1
  5. 7/10 with enimies with high heath they also started to act like combine on GM_Flatgrass. Okay other wise
  6. 8 I really enjoyed it and we had a tac droid that was very cash money
  7. I appologize about that
  8. Can confirm this is me I wrote this while my power was out but its the same account
  9. Xuen


    Well this map is new for me since I've taken a break from cwrp for scp it's been good fun for me. I don't see the problems for now with it.
  10. +1 seemed like a good guy when I was 41st
  11. +1 really good guy. Has been a really big help in rancor. He will be a asset to this community.
  12. RP Name: Xuen Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:69152864 VIP (Y/N): no Age: 17 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be able to help people and also create sims in the future as I have lots of ideas for them. Now I usually play in the mornings and sometimes it can be rough not having a admin to spawn in barcs for patrol or even deal with some rdming shinys. I think becoming a admin will also help me get more involved with the community. I like building social capital with people. With this server I found that it's enjoyable building it with all of you. Although I will start off with just those whitelist tickets, I will do my job to the fullest as I know I have what it takes. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like jazz, and I don't like the community snobs of jazz. I have played a lot of first person shooters and have spent probably over 500+ hours on just finding my sensitivity. I also accidentally will press my scp-1048 keybinds when I am trying to spawn in ammo. Don't worry if you see that SCP-1048 wants a friend. On the SCP server I was head RnD and had to do a lot of dummy wrangling. I enjoy Gmod and just games in general. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes 2 servers one I was a admin, and the other one I was a moderator. The server I was a moderator on I made lots of social capital, and some decent dupes. The people who ran through them liked it. I have never been removed from a administration position unless I've asked a HA or UA to do so. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: Nearing 1.8k hours of Gmod and around 70+ hours on the server
  13. Hi my name is Xuen, I'm a SGT in rancor. So far this server is cash money. Looking forward to my future here.
  14. Xuen

    bacta-612th event

    7/10 Problems Worm screaming was weird I think the rancor bots maybe could have perfect accuracy Umbara is also just a trash map as you can get stuck BUT EVERYTHING ELSE WAS SUPER CASH MONEY
  15. 7/10 not enough droid imo but that is just because i like shooting droids
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