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Posts posted by TheIceMan

  1. Resignation - Once you file this resignation, YOU CANNOT RETRACT IT AND YOU CANNOT GET BACK YOUR RANK! NO IF, ANDS OR BUTS.
    Name: IceMan

    Steam ID: on my phone, will update

    Final day of work (Must be three days later): 8/14/17

    Reason for leaving: Nothing against Synergy, I love everyone here. I just have school starting quite soon so my play time will be limited and the times I am able to be on will be solely devoted to my 41st boys. I would be doing an injustice if I stayed staff.

    Farewells: Im not leaving you dumb plebs :)

  2. On 8/7/2017 at 5:59 AM, Faoeoa said:

    Puts a single post and gives up after someone calls him out for it, and used to sign his posts with 'Former 187th 2ndLT' like that actually meant something despite never achieving the rank above officer again, repeatedly coming to me and Weeaboo for a promotion up for 2ndLT from his middling SSG-MSG rank when he was a 2ndLT before Buzz and apparently that meant something.

    I don't actually know how I'd roast you because you were pretty chill in all ways

    Sacrifices sleep for a virtual game....

  3. Name:IceMan

    Length of LOA: 7/31/17 - 8-4/17

    Reason: Birthday and won't be around my computer all week

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than one weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:ye

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than 2 weeks you may lose your leadership position?: uessir

  4. 3 minutes ago, Beb said:

    It figures dude, if I did that in DB, I would have been demoted from staff, made a youngling/removed and blacklisted from Jedi. And probably get a week - 2-week ban. Just because this little fuck up is the DVL, he can get away with it. People like Medic, Zander, and others never abused their power, but if they wanted to, they could get away with it. That's fucked up. 

    Thats what's known as status. Kind of like a celebrity. They can steal things from a store and only get 1 night in a holding cell. Normal people can steal stuff and get 2 months in jail.

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