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Everything posted by Asher

  1. 5/5/5 - Sheer Chaos, Murder, Gore, Violence and some close call war crimes. A good way to start the weekend.
  2. Asher


    10/10 - I fully enjoyed this little event, the plot lines and the styles that you included were fun and gave me a good chance to actually do some RP in an event, so thank you for this.
  3. 7/10 - Very nice little event, lots of chaos caused by various attack waves of droids with nice variety in it, boarding action is always a plus with pilot roles and ground defence jobs. very nice.
  4. 7/10 - It has a nice quiet start, seemingly nothing would happen but then you added in some variety, made people work together and gave me as Naval a chance to really flex my skills, so I fully enjoyed it.
  5. 8/10 - Nice little chaos theory in motion, organised plot at the beginning, nice use of terrain and base mechanics, overall a good little event.+
  6. 7/10 - Nice little shoot em up, it had wonderful usage of man made items like the muni, good droid usage and overall a fun little shooty shooty
  7. 6/10 A fun time, lots of different things attacking us, didnt need any real plot and so it was a good little blast em up.
  8. 8/10 - Nice event with lovely variety and detailed rp. I think the length and the spaced out nature of the events that took place would be the only downfall.
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