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Everything posted by Blades

  1. Blades

    The Cargo.. - Wren

    7/10 liked the concept of the event, just wish there was a little more substance/ rp that would balance the run and gun
  2. 10/10 loved the rp and how much thought was put into this event. It was definitely nice to have a little space battle and have others attack ships. If there was a few more people there could have been more boarding's. Overall great event and hope that there will be more like it in the future
  3. 6/10 Definitely something different however the droid portal spawns where very spread out in locations it didn't make much sense. They also where spawning non-stop which made no sense either. i thought it was better than most events however. Clones didn't really have rp except for blowing up portals but im sure the jedi had good rp.
  4. 5/10 didn't see much of rp but mostly shooting at two snipers towards the end. maybe add more rp to it have commando droids in clone amour more than just the one
  5. Blades

    Abeloth's Cult

    8/10 i liked the concept of everything, i just wish there was more rp to be done.
  6. Blades

    Ayla's mistake

    5/10 didn't really understand what was going on after killing the droids, we looked for a while before we could actually find the BH.
  7. 10/10 i enjoyed the event. there was enough people per droid ratio. story was good maybe a few more rp aspects but other than that great event.
  8. 8/10 i thought it was a nice event got to deal with explosives on ships and had multiple attack points which was nice
  9. 9/10 really missed the map, i liked the event and it was something new. i do think the droids had a lot of damage maybe a little too much.
  10. +1 I did his tryout for 21st and oxen oversaw it because he remembered the kid. Told me to let him know if he was acting mingy and he wasn't. he acted pretty professional and apologized about what he did back then to us. I do think he has improved. he should be able to play on the server as people can change a lot in two years and he hasn't done anything wrong since being back on the server.
  11. 6/10 pretty standard from my end
  12. Blades

    21st Bacara BCMD

    +1 i was under him when he was bacara and he did a great job. I believe he could help the unit out a lot if he came back as bacara
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