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Everything posted by Jhonathon

  1. @Hydraulic_Bird @DeathLordYolo
  2. 9/10 main event. 10/10 for the execution. 5/10 DB shooting thing with the rocket.
  3. +1 Your an amazing guy and are a great leader. You would do great in this role and I feel as though you deserve it. -Jhonathon
  4. +1 I give it a plus 1 because your a very respected person and I feel like you've done amazing things for your battalion. I feel as though you would do great in this position and you have my full support. -Jhonathon
  5. +1 In my opinion you'd make a great Havoc. You are a good Leader and have a great personality. Your also a good role model (when your not willy) and I think being in that position would really show that. Again your a great guy and I feel as though you would do great. -Jhonathon
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