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Posts posted by Cox

  1. 9 minutes ago, Fyi said:

    Negative reactions are awful anyway, all it does is perpetuate bullying within the community. Keep it this way.

    I agree with FYI on this people will get mad if you dumb them for arguments they are having and it just makes things worse and more toxic

  2. Damn bruh legit one of the only people im close with gone this sucks but hey gl and all that imma miss you I appreciate everything you've done and I enjoyed working closely with you this entire time it was fucking great. Ill never forget when it was Me, You, Alec, Foxey, Sina, Caulin, Codified, Lucky, And Juicebox. Imma always miss those days because it sucks me and codified are the only two left, anyways like I was saying you are still one of the closest people yada yada yada you are a great friend and I have many memories in TS or in game or when we played WZ with lucky imma always miss you.

    Here some of my favorite memories of our time.


    Anyways man like I said imma miss you great job great friend you get me and you heard what I said

    and remember

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