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Posts posted by Cox

  1. Battalion: 104th 

    RP Name: Battalion Commander Wolffe

    Date: 4/26/2021

    Reason: Well I never thought I would say this but im officially burnt out even after that LOA where I was with my dad. Ive been thinking about this for about a week now and I have been here for 230+ days straight with about 2 or 3 LOA's and non stop working to get where I am and now that I made it to where I wanted I have done everything I set out to do. 104th is active, we get recruits more often, host trainings more often, are more serious, and finally have a stable officer corp. Im very proud of what I have done and am satisfied with who I am leaving the battalion to, I feel as if they will do great when im gone. Its like someone told me its better to have a good half term which the point im at then have a decent full term and I am happy with where my term is and happy that with the people im leaving in charge it will only get better and better from here, from where me and 4 other Wolffes have all built up off of each other to finally get it somewhere, where there aint as many problems for the next and thats where I im leaving it, where there aint goin be as many problems or issues. And as much as it sadden me to do this I think that the more I go and push myself it will just make things bad from pushin myself so hard, sounds crazy but its happen to me before.


    TLDR: I would rather finish on a good note with half a term that’s was great and leads to others doing great then a full one with a decent term 

    Goodbyes: Saving these for when im out, out im still here so yall can get rid of me yet.

    We smokin the me pack for today :peepoLove:


  2. Imma be honest I afked for about a month to pay 14 mill to get it and I can say this shit is fucking aids like I don’t get why it’s here but it is and it’s good and I laugh when I like jet pack to kill cis with it but it needs a nerf or something 

  3. o7 bleach this sucks imma miss you you was always funny and retarded like me it was always a blast talkin to you and now you gone I’ll never forget shit like luckys mine craft server and I’ll keep sending you the most retarded shit you ain’t out of it yet




    you know what’s comin


  4. I think one thing I have heard from a lot of people is that there were candidates that they all thought were better for director from an outside community standpoint, another thing that I have heard is that there are changes that are added that no one really asked for nor did they want because they were not needed whatsoever so those things should matter basically what people have said is that community voting and feedback should have more of an impact in changes that are coming or being added that not a lot of people want 

  5. Forgot to say this but back when I was staff I was doing like one event and not filling my quota and I got warned and two days later I was demoted and the reason was I didn’t have time but I made up for this and took any ticket possible and every ticket possible. I know that a lot of people were in the same boat because I was seeing tons of people getting demoted or resigning because of this and I remember someone might have been deku saying so should we just take tickets when high staff is on because it’s true it feels like no one notices nor cares if you do tickets since there is no way to see who is doing it so chumbus god bless but y’all needa find a why to keep track of who is making tickets like every time you do a ticket fill out a form or some shit because the amount of tickets me and everyone else was taking was fucking ridiculous other then that I’m going back into the cage 

  6. Man I don’t like either of them I’m masvidal fan  but if Ben somehow pulls this off imma be shocked cuz that Mf wrestle and legit almost nothing else lookin like a god damn fatass bear imma agree with FYI tho cuz 

  7. All imma say is my only problem rn is that there will be 2 hours of nothing going on and I’ll have like 10 people on and they all get off and it’s not just here it’s the server in general when there is nothing but walking to do then no one will want to get on 

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