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Posts posted by Cox

  1. Im not going to vote but im going to put my bit of input here, Chelmsford I was on my CT one time in the brig lobby where the metal detector was with permission from a CG and the minute you saw me you threatened to AOS me if I didnt get out. Now I was going to argue ill just get out but just dont jump the gun, plus I also heard other people in TS having a problem with you getting mad at them so all im going to say is if you do get staff try and not jump the gun because someone could actually be innocent and not doing anything other then that good luck 

  2. I try and keep myself at an activity quota to get my battalion in since usually I’ll get on at around 3 or 4 and the rest of my battalion will from then on and they get off around 8 or 9. See it isn’t forced here but we still except you to be active and even though I don’t have that constraint I feel like I some what need to

  3. I thought it was cool we enjoyed it with all the things there was to do but after a while it was boring and just us standing there while everyone else just went back and eventually it was like 2 501st 6 104th and 3 212th and a lot went back because there was nothing 

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