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Everything posted by Maddoxx

  1. +1 this would be the best change ever.
  2. 9/10 Good event, but the hallways are tight af so it was death trap from the clones.
  3. -1 Looking over both apps I do not feel like you would be a good fit for this role and can't see you working well with the current HC. I've never had a single positive interaction with you and have only ever heard negative things from those who I've asked.
  4. As the RCMD that's here to help let me say this, I tried. a majority of these issues have been brought up to Slak by myself and members of DU, he hosted a meeting on the subject last week ( 03/04/2021 ) where DU members sat down with Slak and the XO and went over issues. I then was told by these members things had improved for a day or two but then Salk had returned right back to the " status quo " as it would so be. His refusal to improve or work on the issues resulted in multiple SNCO and Officers leaving DU where I have just finished up hosting meetings with them and current DU members to try and get a better understanding of how this all went so sideways so fast. But after listening to them give their side I can't in good conscience say I fault any of these members for leaving. so a TLDR is they did Cox, it just didn't help. I accept this as a failing on my part as a RCMD as it is also one on DU Command as a whole. (Please note this will be my only statement on the matter publicly as I can not vote on this app and don't wish to start a long convo chain. Just message me on discord if you have questions.)
  5. Working with Bro on the server is one of the greatest privileges. He is a very strong and capable leader who is well spoken and able to get his point across with great ease. Out of all members of the community I can't think of anyone I'd prefer more for position and would be an amazing person to lead server. +1
  6. 212th killing civis and Bud as the GM always makes the event a good ol 9/10
  7. Fun event, 9/10 I took the enemy cruiser twice because I did it so fast the first time they weren't even prepared for my chad alpha RCMD skills. But in all seriousness it was a great event and well done I had a lot of fun.
  8. 9/10 Fun event, nice to see Dooku attacking.
  9. 9/10 Had a great time shooting clones. Story was fun and simple.
  10. Please deny this, was not approved or endorsed by CIS HC as this idea is dumb. - Love CIS HC
  11. I tend to enjoy the encounters Blackpink hosts. so +1 from me.
  12. He was there chill'n with us. I started the fighting ring was all I said. As for if it's a "suitable battalion activity" nothing was going on on server and it was a good meme where nobody got hurt and the only person who had a problem with it was you. The other Jedi that were watching and having fun as well as the younglings having a good time doing just that, having a good time. At the end of the day I would have to say yes, it was a suitable battalion activity that brought a good time to multiple people and ended as soon as we were told to.
  13. Name: Maddoxx RP Rank: RCMD & Trench Suggestion: Add a new job for CIS so that we have more humanoids that can roleplay with the Republic during operations. Implementation: Add the job slot to f4 menu to CIS to use. Lore: Dooku has regularly shown a blatant disregard for the rule of two when it came to him training dark force users to work under him. They were not sith merely tools. Workshop content if applicable: N/A If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Add Job: Dark Force User Slots: 2 Description: Dark force users were tools of the Sith to be used and trained in the dark side but not actually made full sith. At the end of the day Dark Force users where tools meant to be disposed of when they had served their purpose. Model: models/syntheticgaming/characters/sithassassin/sithassassin.mdl Weapons: Standard dark force user saber. Other: These would be two slots for trusted droids to be able to utilize so that we can include more jobs that have the capability of roleplaying over comms or even in person with Republic personnel compared to just mindless droid assaults.
  14. This is just from my perspective I gotta say 0/10 the regiment being deployed wasn't given much notice if any at all on top of that the event wasn't fun to the point multiple people myself included just went back to main. I don't mean to be rude but it truly was one of the worst events I've ever been a part of in my 5.6k hours of CWRP experience. Edit: Not to mention the fact that the parts that I was there for were so scuffed we had the game helper have to delete not one but 5 doors because the cc sims we had to run didn't work.
  15. +1 Your events have always been good.
  16. 10/10 Wasn't there Snad made me do this. <3
  17. Just to address some of these CIS "issues" the CIS was put on pause after we reviewed the feedback from the community on the CIS. This pause was so we could work with the directors and high staff to get rules implemented to address a large portion of problems the player base had expressed with the CIS. As for the Q&A with low turn out, idk people just don't want to come try and bring up there issues to help us improve they'd prefer to sit in TS or discord and just bitch. The people that did show up brought up issues and they've been addressed or they had questions we were able to answer for them. It's a new faction there are bumps in the road and Dennis has put in a load of work to try and make things work while also addressing issues brought up so the faction can be as fun for the community as possible. But by all means if anyone thinks they can make better CIS leadership ask any Tac droid or big 3 member to host a tryout for you, come join the CIS and help make changes OR show up to our public meetings with ideas. But I know for a fact (mainly because I'm in the meetings) that two hours or more a day is spent going over feedback or trying to figure out ways to make things go more smoothly. So let's not talk out of our asses and say there's no leadership or things are disorganized when you obviously just took a five second look at the faction and then decided to jerk yourself off for doing research.
  18. +1 I think with the work we have done in 21st and a clear path being set for it Dennis is the best option for keeping it growing into a solid battalion.
  19. Issue #1 2-17-21 This week Anchorwoman Lana goes over the Republic’s top 5 hottest Jedi Generals. 1.Anakin Skywalker 2. Mace Windu 3.Obi-Wan Kenobi 4. Kit Fisto 5.Quinlan Vos We took to the base to interview the clones and get some of those spicy details on these Jedi generals just for you. Here’s just a few bits of what the clones on base have to say about the spunk hunks. “Obi-Wan doesn’t shower.” - 212th CPT Peel “He works out with no shirt and is very hot.” - 501st Executive Officer Claw These Exciting Jedi Generals may be heroes of the Republic but any of them could come save me any day.None more then the Savior of the Republic and most powerful of the Jedi Anakin Skywalker. Just last week The Supreme Chancellor was spotted attending a play on Coruscant with none other than Jedi General Skywalker! Not only does he have looks it seems he also has connections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This week Political Expert Reporter Linux on the planet Coruscant sat down with Jedi Master Adi-Gallia to talk about the ethics of Jedi leading this war. She had this to say when asked why Jedi should be trusted as Generals in this war when they preached for years about being peacekeepers and negotiators. “The Jedi are better at leading then the clone commanders because we have more experience fighting in wars.” When asked about how they had better job leading or more experience Adi-Gallia dodged the question. So we changed the topic and asked about if we should fear more Jedi turning on the republic like former Jedi Master Count Dooku did, the only response we got was “You wouldn’t like it if a Jedi came up and stabbed you in the back now would you?” and told that the interview was now over. Our reports got out of there quickly after this in fear of their own safety. But we won’t give up on finding out what these Jedi are hiding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ War Correspondent Rolf took to the base also and this was his findings. The Republic can’t secure its own base, hit and runs rampant as MCMD Ash is hit mid interview by a speeder. We tracked the owner of this speeder down and he satiated that his speeder had been stolen! When asked about who stole the speeder he claimed it to be the work of a local gang known as “Clan Oasis.” After doing a bit more digging it turns out Clan Oasis is a local terrorist organization that Republic forces have yet to stop. One clone we spoke to who wishes to remain anonymous stating “ It’s Republic high command, they won’t let us do anything about it.” We could not secure a statement from any Republic military officials on this matter. War Correspondent Rolf asked a SOBDE member if he thinks we can win the war the only answer he gave was “ No I do not. “ - Clone in large black armor then tried to kick him off base. In an effort to not be shot by the clones Rolf and his Cameraman Crow made their way to a local village to ask about life there. Unfortunately both members of the HoloNet News team perished due to local wildlife. But a local hero named Worseen was able to return the footage to us back here at the station where we are excited to bring you the final interview with Rolf in next week's exciting issue alongside his deep dive into the 501st pilots and their high mortality rate with 501st Hawk! On the note of local wildlife we have some exciting up close photos of a local wildlife attack on the Fort Anaxes and the brave clones who saved the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLONET NEWS IS HIRING! If you’ve ever wanted an exciting job in the news from Press reporters Editors & Cameramen To start your new and exciting career with HoloNet News contact the Editor & Chief Wren today! Discord Wren#0288
  20. This sums up how I feel reading over this application and responses. +1 from me.
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