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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. +1. In my opinion he has the potential to do this. I mean, yes, he memes, but so does everyone. He knows when to take things seriously and when to have fun. Just look at his app. He clearly cares.
  2. the only reason stated above was how he's such a good commander that someone doesn't want him to leave. Considering that person only -1'd because he doesn't like Jayarr, I'm a bit confused about why you don't think he's qualified. Please specify.
  3. There are a lot of reasons that you could be a good fit. However the reasons, most of which stated above and a couple of others not mentioned, such as enforcing a prejudice of RC and Null within your battalion because of one person, out way the benefit you could provide. At this point I would rather see the position left open until someone else can come along than have you in the position. -1
  4. If you wanted them to only be there to guard the senators; like the red guard protected Palpy on IFN, I would +1. However you want them to be an elite squad, and we have enough of those currently. -1
  5. Dragon

    Doom's Unit Buff

    I have edited the request. Please take the time to read it and comment on the new edit
  6. Dragon

    Doom's Unit Buff

    @Zim Any chance you could come into our TS channel so we can compromise, much easier than doing it back and forth on the forums.
  7. Dragon

    Doom's Unit Buff

    @Zim The battalion talked we are willing to take a significant speed reduction on all classes for this buff. The number we agreed on was 15%-25% reduction in speed if this buff were to happen. Comment back with your response/counteroffer.
  8. Dragon

    Doom's Unit Buff

    Name: Doom's Unit CPT Dragon Suggestion: Increase the Health and Armor of all Doom’s Unit Implementation: The current buff is +100 armor. We suggest that the buff is increased to add 100 hp and an additional 50 armor to our current buff. This would make the total increase +100 hp and +150 armor, making the max stats with full skills, 600 hp, and 400 armor. Lore: This is not a complete lore suggestion, however, as the great Joah said, “DU will be tanky as fuck.”. This is something the battalion agreed on and we believe is fair. This implementation would not make the Doom’s Unit overpowered, and Event Jobs would still be able to kill us with relative ease. This number is not a solid ask we are willing to compromise if necessary this is just our initial request. Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") *Edit* After talking with both Zim and reading the comments we have decided to change the request. +100hp to all classes 20% speed reduction to all classes replace the Sharpshooter with an Engineer.
  9. -1 if you want a grappling hook join 104th
  10. -1 while his activity is low his job is not to interact with nations everyday. I mean max spends a lot of time afk on the server but his job is to be over the entire clone army and naval. Not the go to every battalion and be like, hey guys let's powwow.
  11. While i wouldnt say 501st is thriving right now. They defiantly are not dead I still we at least 4-5 people on at a time. -1
  12. I have a nice copy of Arma Cold War Assault in my inventory. Comment something funny down below and your name(in case your forum name is different) and I will select a winner on December 1st. It will be a random selection Good luck to everyone. Dragon
  13. Name: Dragon Length of LOA: 4 Days Reason: Dont wanna say Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes Like this
  14. Name: Dragon Event Name: CIS Surprise Attack Summary of the story: The CIS came with a ship and tried to take over the Redeemer What was the result of the event?: Republic Won Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up
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