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Posts posted by Levii

  1. Name:

    Who helped (If applicable):
    Soccer, Dono

    Event Name:
    Grievous Invades


    The clones were sent to an unknown system to capture general Greivous. After a lengthy dogfight they tried to invade the Providence which failed. Grievous then invaded them and took them to mustafar for an unkown purpose rambling about a trap. after being bested by kit fisto he fled and escaped

    Edited 19 hours ago by Moose

  2. I really don't know how to vote on this Omalic. I like you as a person and you are very much a good Kal however I've been reading the responses of people who know so much more about SOBDE currently than me. For the short amount of time I was in we were definitely more isolated than the others, whether that was the other SOBDE not liking me that I felt uncomfortable in TS with them or they just were not used to a Null being around I don't know but we generally chilled in our channel by ourself and largely ignored what others did. I tried to RP every chance I got but I noticed not many of the others did theirs other than me, the then Jaing, and the then A'den who openly embraced our lore (me loving candy and being a daredevil as mereel, jaing skinning Kaminoans, and A'den loving his explosives) which is a shame with how much Null lore there is. I wish that I could support you as you are a great guy but I think a change of leadership is necessary. From me man it's a -1 I'm sorry.

  3. Bug Type (Server:): Main

    Severity level (1-3): 2 or 3

    Evidence (if you can): 

    Description of the bug: When you challenge someone on Endor you spawn under the map and are able to easily and safely kill your opponent

    How can we recreate it: Have one person duel another and select the endor map.



  4. Name: Levii

    Who helped (If applicable): Bud, Xiao, John

    Event Name: Siege of Nulen
    Link to Event Document (optional):  SOBDE started out clearing a captured venator. They took a CIS commander to interrogate and find out how they stole a captured venator. They learned the venator was captured through a new ship that stuns a ship with an EMP blast then latches on sending a swarm of droids into the ship. However because the ship was taken away the droids knew something was up. End PT 1.  PT2. Recon landed on the planet. A jedi and rancor set up the FOB while the rest went out scouting. Rancor found the mine that was making metal for the CIS and both encountered droids at a village. They found slaves inside which they rescued. The CIS tried and failed to assault the FOB. After the 41st convinced the citizens to help in the later assault and they go out and train. End PT 2  PT3. Specialized landed on the planet. DU were tasked with taking out the nearby mine. 21st were tasked with staking an ambush for the MTT and tactical droid target. And CG were tasked with defending the FOB. After the capture of the commander and killing of a tac droid they learned of the Phoenix project but didn't learn too much. An AAT and commando attacked that were part of the project and were proven to be more resilient than standard models. In additon it was also found that Jabber was involved. End 3. PT4 The invasion happens. After they were ordered to execute innocents. The 104th carried out the order but were stopped by 212th and 501st. End


  5. Name: Levii

    Who helped (If applicable): Chumbus, Bud

    Event Name: Droids on Endor
    Link to Event Document (optional): Basically some commandos came into base to wreak havoc at which point the CIS invaded. Their attack was repelled and they were forced back to endor where they were wiped out and had to retreat farther.



  6. Overall I'd say +1 to this as Gmod is wonky and you have to click to put a weapon away so this can cause accidental RDM if you don't do it fast enough. Of course if this went into effect you would need a way of either proving someone shot on purpose or proving they were innocent. otherwise people will shoot others to be a dick and be like "it was an accident"

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