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Posts posted by Bitter

  1. 8 hours ago, Bbstine said:

    Nah bro I’m still so fucking bitter

    You are doing what now?

    Very nicely summarized and well put together app. As long as you do the Yoda voice its a Huge +1 from me.

    • Funny 7
  2. Steam Name: Bitter

    RP Name: Boss

    RP Rank: XO

    Steam ID: STEAM_ 0:0:43580258

    Battalion you are applying for: SOBDE


    21st - PVT to MSG
     I joined the server and fell in love with the marine style of RP.  At that time I was under Matra, Qal and Gene. They really showed me the value of hard work towards a battalion. They also started to teach me the basics of GMOD and leadership.
    501st - SGM to Captain
    After my stint in the 21st I felt like I wanted to go into a more "lore" intensive position and I went to the 501st as I loved all of the characters in the battalion. This was also the first time I had broken through to the officer ranks and got to watch over the regiments. At the time as I was helping the REGL with his things like, manage the individual branches, and revive ones that were starting to die. Going from CSM to 2ndLT was a big jump for me but I was excited for the challenge and wanted to prove my worth to the battalion by helping and advising in any way I could.
    21st - PVT to WO and ARCL
    I took a 2 year hiatus after 501st as my life had changed around that time and I wanted to focus more on myself and my own happiness at the time. However, after 2 years I had heard of all of the changes that had happened on Synergy and I wanted to come back to reconnect with some old friends. I got into the 21st battalion and started to work on whatever I could get my hands on. There were problems at the time with the ARC program in 21st and I wanted to improve it and make it more well rounded. 
    Spec RCMD
    I'll be frank here. Most of you will probably know me from my Spec RCMD term as I went from a rando 21st WO to the advisor of four battalions, which were 21st, CG, DU and SOBDE. I stepped into this position with what I thought was a good understanding of what I should do in High Command, but looking back I don't believe I understood what the position truly entailed. I wanted to help my home battalion of 21st and the rest of Spec in anyway I could. Unfortunately I found myself overstepping in areas that I shouldn't have along with making some bad decisions in my term. What this taught me a how to be a good advisor, when I should step in, and how I should go about it. Even though I did not exceed in this position, it showed me many things I needed to improve and how I could go about doing that. If I never had the shot as the Spec RCMD then I would not have improved on my leadership and management skills as much or thoroughly.
    SOBDE - PVT to CSM
    During my Spec RCMD term I really started to admire the comradery and teamwork that SOBDE all shared between themselves. After my RCMD I moved over to SOBDE and loved the way in which they operated; focusing more on the people and the RP in which they took part in. It took me a while and multiple tries at getting a lore character in SOBDE and I have made many friends inside of the battalion. 
    Delta Squad Boss and XO
    Getting the position of Boss and the rank of Commander gave me a unique overview into the day to day of the battalion. I started to get even more involved as I now had a group of people that I have had the privilege of learning from, teaching, working with, and seeing where they wanted to take their RP to get it to the next level. I have also helped SOBDE create a new style of tryout that helps pull more focus onto the roleplay aspect of the game.  This has helped to improve multiple different areas of the battalion along with the contributions of the officer core and all of the people in SOBDE.

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I have found such valuable relationships while being a part of this community and would love to continue that and make it possible for others to do so too. The friends that I have found here are ones that I love spending all day with and exploring our characters to flesh out as much relevant RP as possible. I have become dedicated to this server and all that goes on here. I have a dedication to improving an already great experience. If I can contribute one thing to this position it is my dedication to make this battalion the best that it can be.

    Ability to learn and adapt.
    I could have left the server after my shameful time as Spec RCMD. However, I found it better to use the experience to my advantage and learn from it. I am human after all and we tend to make mistakes all the time. If we do not learn and adapt from them then they were not worthwhile experiences. I have taken the time to evaluate my mistakes and gain knowledge from them to grow to become a better leader and member of this community. 

    In my time hopping through different battalions and communities I have found that communication is key. From just the day to day operations, to holding things like tryouts and meetings, having great communication is mandatory to ensure that everyone is on the same page, or that there is a way that we can get there. I have a direct communication style which helps me in times when I just need to get something across right away. If I need to communicate something to you, you can know that I will. Without communication nothing works. 

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: Very well yes.


    Most weekdays I'll be around from about 8 am to 9:45 am PST before I go to work and after work around 8 to 9 pm PST
    On my weekends which are Sundays and Mondays I am available all day. 
    I'm always near my phone, so feel free to DM me whenever.


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Somewhere in the ballpark of 1500 to 2000?

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes 

    Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

    At the end of my term I would like to see that I have created enough of a system to experience true Commando Role Play. I want people to come into the battalion and be mentored and tutored in roleplay and to be able to hone their abilities and take what they have learned and apply it to any other battalion and be able to continue to facilitate the roleplay fantastically. 

    I would like to create a genuine outreach program that creates more comradery.  SOBDE has been secretive in the past which has caused a riff in the server with people feeling unwelcome in interacting with this battalion. I would like to open up the communication about this battalion so that people feel allowed to join us and all that we do here at SOBDE. This is a system I would like to continue to improve on with my officer core and the rest of the battalion, until we can truly craft a fantastic system.

    Training for Grey RC
    Recently a new system has been created in which Grey RC members must prove their worth by showing acts of valor on the battlefield. This system creates an incredible opportunity for Roleplay as these members will come in undesignated and can craft their own characters around what they would like to roleplay. I value this type of training and would love to see it grow. By the end of my term I would like to see that this training has become self sufficient and allows other members of the battalion to mentor new Grey RC members into the characters they have always wanted to be. 

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

    • Winner 3
  3. 3/4/5

    Event was very thought out and very nicely planned. 

    Game play was a little lackluster in terms of it just being a wave simulator. If you added in some more event based gameplay like having to deal with a hypermatter leak or something else interesting it would have been even better.

    Overall fun to play.

    • Informative 1
  4. Well well... Where to start.
    The dedication of this man to this server and creating some of the most entertaining events I have taken part of. Anyone that has taken part in his events besides the normal critics I always see people really appreciating the work he puts into his dupes and the story and the characters he portrays himself as. 

    This last event was so much fun to take part in because he created the basic setup to allow for people to create there own story inside of the confines of the story he wanted to tell.

    Honestly I probably would have seen myself out a few months ago if it wasn't for the drive of some of the members of this community to create such fun memories on this server. And I'd put @Mavelleat the top of this list.

    Just leaving this here for anyone else to talk about the fun stories that he creates

    • Friendly 2
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