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Everything posted by Charger

  1. Charger

    Under Naboo - Max

    +1 enjoyed this event and i would love to have more of these type of events
  2. +1 Patrick is a great person to be around and he has commitment to the 501st. He is fun during downtime but when its not downtime he is serious. Works hard and continues to try his hardest to keep 501st battalion alive and fun for the members.
  3. Name: Charger/ Hardcase Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155700022 The Final Days of work: 12/25/17 Reason for leaving: Tried of Staff stuff that pulling me down from exploring different RPs. Spring Time season is going to start and I'm going to go inactive. Farewells: Dogma and no other friends I have...
  4. Woeny is a great leader knowing where and when to serious. He is very helpfully to the RC Squads! +1
  5. Name: TR 501st TCO HROVR CMD Hardcase SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155700022 Hours I've played on Synergyroleplay: 700 Hours Knowledge of The Clone Wars 1-10: 9 My Communication and Leadership Skills: My leadership and communication skills are great I'll going straight to the point until they understand then from there I'll get more descriptive. Do you understand if you are inactive, You will be removed from the program? Yes I understand Event I would Create: Main objective- Protect Clone DNA. The Redeemer is giving a capsule that contains DNA that every clone is made of, but encounters a Fleet of Separatists planned to take the Capsule working with inside traders to the Republic (Clones). Boarding parties sending waves and waves of droids as a decoy as a Trader Clone comes and takes the Capsule and gives it to Grievous, but then is captured. Grievous throws the Capsule as another decoy as Dooku comes with the last wave of droids to save Grievous' life. EVENT JOBS: Dooku- Last Wave to attack Grievous- Joins in 2nd wave of attack B-2 Battle Droid- Joins in 2nd Wave of boarding party B-1 Droids- 1st Wave of boarding party Rogue Clone- 187th Trooper who went Rogue to the Republic
  6. +1 Very descriptive for the events. Looks very self explanatory for event jobs. Good person to be gamer maker. Very active on the server.
  7. RP NAME: TR 501st TC HWSL CPT Hardcase/Charger STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AwpkingKenny/ AGE: 16 GENDER: Male TIMEZONE: Pacific Time (PT) WHY I WANT TO BECOME A ADMINISTRATOR: I would like to become a administrator to improve the communities experience in Synergy Roleplay. Also, I would like to get rid of distractions from the server in order to improve the communities statues. Including helping people who needs help. Plus, I would guide new members of Synergy Roleplay throughout their gameplay until they could reach and understand CWRP on their own. I would also love to help whitelisting and calling trainers to the CC room. Lastly, as a admin I will help the server as much as I can. THINGS ABOUT ME: I'm a fun guy, but I understand when there is a time to have fun and times that you have to take it seriously. I'm a fighter in the Heavy Weight League. Lastly, I love to Garrys Mod and helping others. DO I HAVE STAFF EXPERIENCE: No I don't have staff experience, but I'm here to learn and to improve.
  8. +1 Jackson is very active and a very experienced Admin so I would like him to become the next Commander for the 501st and! He deserves a god damn admin promotion for his outstanding Events. #Kixfor 501st
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