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Everything posted by Kresmer

  1. 7/10 - I believe this event went and performed very well, although its a seven because something along the same lines happened last night, other than that, the event was great!
  2. 9/10 - Lots of Action and Innovativeness, Had a good time, and so did my battalion.
  3. Kresmer

    Zero- The Son

    7.5/10 - Loved the unique feeling to the event, really different. Only thing was a lot of downtime, more than expected, although best improvised event I've seen, keep it up!
  4. 7/10 - Good filler event, Keeping people active. It wasn't the best, but what really showed is your premonition of boredom as an GM. The biggest positive for me was the timing, other than that, basic event, just what the server needed.
  5. 8/10, Cool idea good delivery, Only complaint is that the people fighting commando droids were the same over and over again, With that the people fighting NPCs were only fighting NPCS no Commandos, Maybe next time have commandos from multiple cardinal direction that aren't next to each other, So N & S or E & W, Not right next to each other. Although with that complaint it is very minor but that change would make it a 10 for me, Well done Clorox excited to see your future events.
  6. 9.5/10 Great late night event, A lot of fighting with subtle plot twists here and there. Some passive RP although the event wasn't designed for it, Which is a great taste of both worlds, More RP wasn't needed due to being so late and people being tired. Quite honestly don't have any criticism.
  7. 9/10 I love the idea, loved the passive RP especially because it wasn't the same EOD, TECH, or ENG like always. I would like it more if She felt more overpowering, like she could've felt like going against in lore. However overall loved it, Excited to see future events pertaining to this in the future. Hopefully the 91st gets a deployment(lmao).
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