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Sythen McSwiggity

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Everything posted by Sythen McSwiggity

  1. I'd say a 3 For the most part, it was a shoot 'em up, but everyone involved with the Event made it interesting. For a FIRST event though, it was alright, just coulda been better. I don't remember any civilian neighbors though, so maybe I wasn't as involved as I thought.
  2. +1, 212th held wonderfully together, and every worked together wonderfully! #YodaKyberSlamMadness
  3. whoever wins, wins? I'd rather people have fun, then get salty because of some prize RC knows wassup, killing their hostage the weekend prior to this recent one. Truly, a fun time.
  4. My attempt was not to convince you, but to satisfy you with a sound reason. The point of this is community opinion on someones application, not to get others to change their arbitrarily "shitty" opinion. If meow gets the spot, good on him, I just won't agree with it, especially considering his responses on the last thread in reaction to the call-out of him "growing a new mommy" lol.
  5. Lying in a resignation, tells me personally, he'd rather make up excuses, than to actually state the reality of it. It shows bad quality in a leader if they have to lie or make excuses to avoid a possible negative vibe about him, instead of stating it how it is and owning up to it. It would have been more respectful if he had stated "I just don't have fun playing DU anymore" than making an excuse about something tragic. My reason isn't whether or not his mom is actually dead, or if he somehow preformed the law of equivalent exchange and is an alchemist too. Lying or making excuses is a bad leadership quality, one that shouldn't be in the leader of an RC squad, period.
  6. the SWEPs affiliated with model manipulation will do this regardless, unless someone attempts to fix the SWEP itself, it has the chance of breaking your model upon specific actions preformed, actions I do not know myself of. most one can do is to make it FailRP to manipulate your model intentionally, but considering you can do it by accident that may not even be a thing. but at least it goes away after a good bit of movement.
  7. Sorry for the late voice in this. But this man not only deserves it, but is ready for it, no offense, but I feel as though him being Ghost Company Lead is holding him back in making a lot of needed changes to the battalion +1 Second Lieutenant Cale | Shephard
  8. I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm enjoying this a lot
  9. I've already stated most of those Base classes (not GC/AC) bat blaster The duelies I did not know got a buff, which is the only "lack of fact check" considering I use the WESTAR and DC-15S. The westars extra 8 damage is arbitrary as only ARC gets it, and that's it's the base westar. I do not know the pnt you're making. I do know the BAT Blaster everyone in base gets, and I know it's a bit op, I even stated I don't think anyone needs those, considering we have the base DC-15A. But everything else is on the subgroups, and not even commonly used. GC/AC gets a dc-15a scoped, duelies, and a dc-15s, and the scoped does sane damage as reg dc-15a. The WESTAR is only given to our ARCs I already said I'm not opposed to this suggestion, and I'd like everything detailed on what is want so it's "fair" but logical for everyone. The 100 health is the "battalion buf"f we get. If you want to suggest a removal of the BAT blasters in total, I +1 that, if you want to lower the damage back down of the dualies, I +1 that too, it's dualies, it don't need 50. But you can't call it "our battalions buffs" if others have those items too. A complaint for OP weapons ofc, and I'd even agree! But these are not MY BATTALIONS buffs, we happen to have these weapons, BASE WEAPONS that were modified via changing the TFA code, weapons others are equipped with, that happened to have been buffed. So the point you're making to me is what, cuz the two "BAT Blaster is OP" and "Dualies were buffed" is something I agree and don't agree with respectively, and I'd request removal, and damage debuff respectively .
  10. Then the most you can do is to teach people not to complain, hate to break it that way then, but if equalizing the playing field for that isn't going to work, then a team is going to have an advantage, especially considering this isn't some MRP server, where you're fighting players on another side constantly, so "balancing" isn't really determined until one of these tourney's happen when it does, and people see "Well das bullshit cause x, y, and z" then what does one do either nullify their usage of "what they're used for" so less complaints happen, or teach people to not complain when a loss happens I don't know what to tell you then if both of those "are bad choices" if complaints are going to happen regardless, even with this suggestion.
  11. I'd +1 this though if this was the suggestion put all teams on CT/Cadet, color them, and give them the designated weapon for said BATvBAT event, and distribute a fair amount of medics for each side no complaints if they lose their medics no complains on weapons carried only complaints, skill buffs, but even then, max health and armor is already given, so speed and jump? lol
  12. Personally, not because I don't agree to the concept of battalions getting one buff, because I do. But to be fair, I'd love to see this suggestion more refined, detailing out specifically what each battalion is wanted to have as their buff, as simply stating vagueness wouldn't do much. I doubt this is any sort of vendetta post about BATvBAT, but I would like to state with 212th is that the all of our weapons do 35 damage. Excluding dual DC-17s, which does 30, the WESTARs that ARC gets (50 shots, 50 DMG), the Battalion specific DC-15A (Personally, I don't like these), which does 50 as well. And then there is airborne's sniper, thats only on the Assassin class itself. There are some items given to other battalions to set them apart further, such as GM receiving a higher damage WESTAR with more ammo in its magazine. Am I bitching about "REEE all these special things!" no, because I honestly agree, people get better stuff than others in terms of "buffs" personally, I'd rather classes be attributed to battalions that make sense for their specified role, like Recon wouldn't need a heavy, but would need a sniper, Attacks wouldn't need a sniper, but would need a heavy, considering that battalions purpose of course. Granted discrepancies would happen, as sub-units can somewhat go past that line of "what is strictly allowed" considering (Using my own battalion for the sake of its what I'm in) 2ndAC would still have a sniper, considering its use as an Advance Movement Reconnaissance group.... or at least we attempt to. but all in all TL;DR -I agree, battalions get more buffs than others, and I believe they should be subsidized to something fair and appropriate for their group, but personally it doesn't have to be specifically stat wise -Sub Groups I believe would/should be given discrepancies dependent on said groups purpose -I wish for this to be refined out and detail what is specifically wanted, so its easier for staff to consume and push out, considering not doing that may result in buffs unwanted to each battalion This is not a -1 nor a +1 -Ghost Company Second Lieutenant Cale | Shephard
  13. it gives me a heavy heart but we shall stay strong under our valuable leadership Regiment Leader Commander Oddball, Ghost Company Leader Executive Officer Gearshift, ARC Leader Commander Crys, 2ndAC Leader Commander Barlex This will not stifle us, but make us strive -Second Lieutenant Cale | Shephard o7
  14. congrats on fatherhood, otherwise you wouldn't be celebrating mothers day with your fiance joking, have a wonderful time -Cale | Shephard
  15. Glad you are enjoying your time, fam. -Cale / Shephard
  16. At work, I want to die. Middle schoolers keep giving me 20s for 3 dollar transactions and I'm running out of change from my change bag. Help.
  17. Sythen McSwiggity


    -1 I think a support Trooper class needs to be defined more in terms of what its intentions are before attempting to add it to other battalions There are currently only two proclaimed "Support Trooper" classes. GM's receives a Combat Shotgun, a Health Kit, Repair Tool, and their GM trademark 70 damage Westar. (that end point was not me being negative, I promise) 41st's receives the standard primaries of DC-15A and DC-15S, an RPS-6, and a repair tool it appears the consistency relies in terms of at least one Primary, and a repair tool and something special (GM Medkit/41st RPS-6), but I feel like unless its exactly detailed how each battalions "Support Trooper" class is set up.
  18. +1 I had a lot of fun for this sort of event, I enjoyed rushing in like an idiot.
  19. Late, but +1 I got a dope LMG from the girls locker room https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/925927998461720272/E7EE287AA54B96BA2FC77715BBF8964BFE2E9B42/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|1024%3A576&composite-to=*,*|1024%3A576&background-color=black Aside from that, even at the "shoot 'em up" portion, it was still a partially difficult task to defend the area surrounding the lab.
  20. Bro, I'm in that discord, I know who it was. I just said despite advertisement happening, I woulda plus one'd this fam. I know who did it, lol.
  21. +1, despite what it says up above (advertisement), I would've plus one'd this, irregardless. I played on this server for about a week and a half, and despite being enlisted, despite being someone who only got on during obscure times. He helped me and was attentive to problems or just concerns I had. Everyone has been giving +1's based off his abilities to lead, mine is in reference to his "Human Resources" capabilities as a Commander.
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