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VIP - Slak
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Posts posted by Slak

  1. 7 hours ago, Gadget said:

    I found most the time something that was either a war crime or fail rp going on it often involved you.

    Ordering troopers to plant bombs in the village

    Ordering an orbital strike on village either before or after the shield had gone down. I heard about it being called in after you had done it. There are (in rp, which a lot of people have forgotten what that means) still people living in village, normal joe smoes who you order your troopers to kill.

    Daily raids on the BHs because you were told to get the server doing something. This was often for bullshit unconfirmed reason. Like one was a trooper shot at or near a BH the BH shot back and the BH then get reported by a clone and thus the 100 year war began.

    You could have done those joint battalion trainings you mentioned but I only saw one mentioned the day before it was planned to happen and nothing came of it.

    Advising the 21st... DID you really? Most the time you were in your channel talking to random people generally uncontactable as your channel said open but in fact was still locked. If you say I advised Qal on the promotion of our WO to CPT we had decided that like weeks ago but was waiting for the right time..

    You were more interested in the freedom of being a spec reg than being spec reg. Ordering executions, having almost absolute authority over clones, etc.

    Most the times when I had had enough of the server for a day or 2 was due to your antics the day prior.

    Unprofessional, unreliable, oh and you straight up fucking tried to bypass an element of TECHrp, The passive rp you said you helped form, by doing a /me speeds up download or something when you weren't the one doing it. 21st already had a passive rp mindset cos we fucking reach everyone it. I'd happily sit and do TECH or EOD while people are fighting.

    Qal said he spoke to you but I feel like Qal was too soft about it.

    Yeah, your a nice person and people can talk to you but for the position you had a personality is not what is required. A leader, a mentor, a role model is... and you weren't it unless we wanted anarchy.



    No one can say it better -1

  2. On 4/25/2020 at 8:15 AM, Omalic said:

    Marshal Commander is a special postition. It requires ones full foucs (in my opinion) and the trust and knowledge of the current Command structure and the current workings of HC. I've never thought it was good to have people in HC that have other important positions such as High Jedi or High Staff, as it might not split their time but it will keep them from being fully focued on Marshal and HC.
    Some adapt for this positions, some don't. Each one to his own. But the willingness to do so shows that this is the thing your fully commiting to. And I find it hard to support someone who cannot commit fully this way that I believe is needed for such a role especially now with what happend to the last Marshal showing this to be true. 

    You are Active Fizzik and you have the past knowledge and time on the server. But in my opinion one requires a current understanding and experience in something to do it properly which I don't deny you having but just not to the extent of being Marshal. I encounterd the same thing now with rejoining the 501st. I have lead it Before but I still had and still have to learn and adapt to what it is now. I Believe the same to be true for you and becoming apart of HC. 

    With that being said I don't see you fit for the position of Marshal at this time.

    I totally agree with this -1 but honestly a good person but don't think you are fit for the rank of Marshal Commander

  3. You definetly have deserved the rank of CMD and I feel you have worked your ass off to officially get your self recognized in the battalion. I seen you work your ass off when  there was just you as a active member and you had some many chances to leave and just go to somewhere active.

    The things that sort of stopped me here and I struggled to thjnk of when you have applied is that You are now several positions within this server and it is pretty amazing from a new players perspective or a person out of the battalion. But a officer that works under "me" feels that being a future Master, Investigator Lead, potential Gree, Staff, current GC lead, Game Master, and there could be more that I am forgetting but I am worried you will get burnt out quickly.

    Overall I will eave this app with a +1 I did want to change this up a bit since I recently had these concerns but good luck.


    • Friendly 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Pot said:

    Before i vote i just wanna point out you were SA when you resigned. Don't know if this is an honest mistake or you trying to pull a fast one and im not gonna make assumptions but fix that @Slak

    [Yes i know it doesn't matter and he will get SA anyway but still]

    ahhh shit my bad forgot bout that thanks for the reminder @Pot

  5. Wait who is this . . . Why is he applying . . . Oh wait we talking bout the dude that I clap in r6 o yea ha this guy.


    Ily Maddox +1

    I talked to you about what you see in the future of 41st and what you want to do and I love it and feel you will do a great job and fit great in the position but for real get better at r6 or I will get Caleb.

  6. RP Name: Slak

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460144543

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 16

    Timezone: EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: SA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: Nope

    Why did you leave the staff team?: I had personal issues with my family and things ae clearning up also didn't reeally want to staff work anymore.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to rejoin the staff team to just help out my battalion (41st) since they are low on staff. Also since I am manager in jedi in many branches instead of bothering people(chaseman) i can do it myself. want to help like i did last time.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I felt I got many oppurtunities to help out and helped others grow. I made sure that people that were new got the proper treatment and helped them out. I got myself to TRM and still successing in it.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

  7. As of the time that 187th was here and you being our Attack Regimental you were always supporting us and everyone always looked up to you as our leader if Sugga wasn't there to guide us to be more active and thrive as a battalion throughout the times we were a battalion. When we merged with 501st although I wasn't there to experience the whole thing since I left early, I heard you were doing a great job leading 501st and 187th to not just stay as a segregated battalion that was split but to help Sugga merge the battalions into one and create one of the most succesful battalions on the server.


    I have been in 21st for about 2 1/2 months now, I have seen you help and try your very best to guide the 21st jedi as Ki Adi Mundi throughout it's times. Though it might not be the most active battalion jedi it has a lot of qulaity within it and respected.


    When I was part of the staff team I felt you were the HA that was always there to help me with anything and was there to guide me throughout the staff ranks and with any issues I were to have during my time. I enjoyed helping you and the other HA's with everything I could and it was a very enjoyable thing.


    All of that being said I am going to +1

  8. 1/4 

    Throughout this event there was a Start at the temple raid which was actually pretty good and was actually not bad compared to the last two parts.

    The kamino deployment which broke A LOT of lore and was personally a shit show from everything going on in OOC and TS


    The last part Palpatine died which ugh Order 35 happened more lore broken and just wasn't very fun but i felt could've done better overall.

  9. Name: Slak

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460144543

    Staff Rank: SA

    Were you VIP: Yes

    Date: 4/4/2020

    Reason for leaving: Family Issues

    Farewells: Gears you a good man get HA for me. Mav get recongized already. Qal Congratz. Mutiny good luck in staff my mans.

  10. -1 

    Scirbbles, I loved ya man but when I see someone doing this it just shocks me and makes me upset to see this. I loved your events, personality, RP, and most of all the joy you brought to the community. But when I see someone doing this type of stuff to just grind XP after you told other Jedi to not farm XP, its just not right. 
    ILY Scribbles it would be nice to have you back in TS.

  11. Now Otter I know you pretty well to estimate where you should be and not be. I feel Staff is not the best place for you to be for reasons of not being able to handle certain situations, sometimes get carried away in certain things like fulling around but not in a bad way also getting carried away in situations where everything has to be your way, and not being serious when needed to be.

    The things that you are good at is getting to meet new people, and trying to be outgoing. I have seen you develop yourself into this server and you had a slow start and still need to recover from certain things.

    Sadly, until I see you improve those things i will have to remain at a solid -1 for now since I really don't think you are ready for this position.

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