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VIP - Slak
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Posts posted by Slak

  1. 20 minutes ago, Haris said:

    -1's a good ass idea because they only wanna listen to one person and be delusional and lunatic instead of actually seeing OUR issues in the battalion

    13 minutes ago, Butter said:

    I put my blood sweat and tears into my battalion and all I get out of it is just massive disrespect.

    Last and Final comment: I don't think calling names will help your situation, I mean I get what you are trying to say, yet it's an opinion. Calling people delusional and lunatics because we have an opinion isn't the way and especially since we are called being "disrespectful" after you say that is pog. Sounds a bit contradicting to me.



  2. 6 minutes ago, Haris said:

    You guys do realize we're not adding another branch, we're replacing SC....

    Either way,  your just adding more jobs and more models to the server for no reason when you should just keep SC and not have Jets Unit. It's just another waste of a sub unit. I mean you guys complain SC has no meaning so what does Jets Unit make so different compared to SC. Also people who -1 are giving their opinion, not just because someone stated something and they all ban wagon that, we all just see the bigger picture here.

    • Agree 2
  3. -1 :pepeLaugh:

    I mean the models look like the SO Pilot model. There is no reason to add Jets unit, just another extra unit that 21sst doesn't need in my opinion

    • Agree 1
  4. Name: Slak

    Staff Rank: SA

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460144543

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 9 Days (10/14)-(10/23)

    Reason: I got two really big exams for school coming up which will dictate my grade for this year in two separate classes.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  5. +1

    Known this guys since 187th and always had a passion for the 501st since the Merge. He was an amazing individual to work along side with in the officer core in 187th. I wish you good luck. 

    P.S. Your Meena Tills voice sounds like Mr. Halpert from Family Guy

    • Friendly 1

    RP Name: Trooper: Crush | Naval: Darrel | OOC: Slak

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460144543

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 16

    Timezone: NA/EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: 1st: VA 2nd: SA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: I resigned from the server.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): The reason I want to come back to the staff team, is mainly wanting to help the GM program. I have always sided towards the TR program when I was in staff and enjoyed it a lot. Recently, I have been wanting to join back into staff wanting to help the GM program quite a bit. Not only do I want to help out the GM program, but also wanting to help out the staff team as a whole.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I am going to be honest, my 2nd time as a staff member I was very laid back and didn't really care as much, looking back I noticed how much in the wrong I was in. My 1st term I really tried my best and cared a lot about the staff team and server. I want to try to return to these times I had when I was first in the staff team.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes I do.

  7. RP Name:




    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:


    Why do you want to join the Intel Team.

    I want to join the Intel Team for main fact of wanting to help the branch. As well as wanting to be more involved in the server again and help it out, to me I have tried to help the server through staff and in the trainer program. As of coming back to the server I want to try new things, I feel Intel is on that list of new things. 

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

    Yes I do

  8. 6 minutes ago, Butter said:

    This is honestly one of the funnies things because I filled out every single one of my requirements to get promoted towards my commander position and also the fact that Slak wasnt even in the battalion until I was a commander or LTC. The other funny thing is that Merril has been on ROA for the past how long now... weeks maybe even a month. I also sat down and Talked to slak about shadow company things and having a selections process which I state and quote said I would help in creating the documents on my off days for work but then slak took it upon himself to make the docs on his own so he can "do work towards SO/SC". I just want to point out that when I joined this battalion Claw saw me having a lead position here one day and I helped out Jaydon a lot. People chose to not follow the chain of command because of personal preference. I have never once "asked" for this position I will state that I did say if Jaydon ever needed help and or if there was someone due to be a better fit than me then to chose them over me because I dont like people picking favorites. I care about the 21st and if Slak and Merill think that they have done so much for SO/SC then one please tell me what you have done other than make a selections document that I said I would help on, and two how does that help the battalion work more intertwined together as a collective. This battalion is called the Special Operations battalion. Its the 21stNC and we share an equal given onto what they can go into. There is a bigger picture than just SO/SC. That's all I have to say to correct this information.


    1 minute ago, Butter said:

    Lets talk about this topic of myself being "REGL" Well for one its hard to lead a battalions branches with inactive members. Yes You can remove the leads for "not doing their jobs" but is it really their fault if no one wants to join the battalion. Sometimes you cant help the fact that you don't have numbers. And When I first got put into REGL I had the mindset of "well maybe they aren't recruiting" so I messaged the leads to do more recruiting. The other thing I would like to put out is that "holding a title" well lets talk about that then. There are currently 2 BCMD applications up and anything that I do currently isn't going to be final. Not saying that there is a possibility that it wont, but say I were to make some small changes here and there in the branches as a whole and then all of a sudden someone else comes in and goes yeah all that work is going down the drain change it to this this and this. I have my reasoning for my actions and if people want to talk to me my DM's are always open.

    In response to this.

    First of All, I would like to state that people in the battalion for when I was absent form the server, informed me of what has happened in the battalion and what was wrong. I understand from your POV it looks like I know nothing, but I do. From my POV and I am sure as hell most the 21st can back me up here, that you basically kicked Jaydon out of his position and took over the battalion that way. Wait and BTW, you say you have done your requirements, I really don't care about that, I care how you lead the battalion and how previously dealt with issues.

    When it comes to the SO/SC I have only mentioned that, because that is the only thing I have been in when in 21st and have experience in. I leave the GM/KU things to the Commanders and the people who are in it. I would like to state that I have been fighting for SO / SC after you tried to cuck it over. You wanted to make SO to be really hard to get into, almost as hard as KU, which is the dumbest thing I heard of. Also, for you to say that I have only been working on SC selections shows how much you pay attention. I have not only worked on a Doc but worked on making sure things are getting changed to the point where it's a useless Sub-Unit.

    When it comes to Merril being on ROA I am going to let him handle that in his defense. Anyways, you say no-one wants to join the battalion, but the reason they look at the leader of the battalion first, if that's the case then good luck. As well most people agreed with Jaydon as the leader of the battalion and loved him as the XO and could've been future BCMD. All I have to say is Good Luck.


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  9. -1

    Overall I see Oxen leading the battalion into a better spot than you would. The reason I say this is because you will most likely get rid of / not pay attention to the people who have disliked you in the battalion previously, I mean that's just how you have been since I met you. I like you as a person out of GMOD, but when it comes to being in GMOD, I don't really like what you do and can't relate to you.

    If we look at what you have done in the current positions, which are REGL and Jet. As REGL you have basically done nothing, except threatening the leads to recruit more people, but the problem is we can't get people in regiments with a dead battalion. As well as you have told Merril to have a meeting with him a month ago, guess what you couldn't even get the meeting going. Other than that, that's all you've done for REGL, to me your just holding a position for the title not to make action. 

    Moving onto Jet. Let's be honest here, the only reason why you got that position is power playing Jaydon. Merril and I have done all the work for SO / SC. All you have done for SO / SC is take my documents that Merril and I make and give yourself credit. If you can't do simple things like this than how do I expect you to lead an entire battalion?

    • Agree 1
    • Informative 3
  10. +1

    From my perspective I have seen Gadget help the Specialized Regiment quite a lot. Whenever there was an issue with the 21st or having any drama, Gadget would always help and solve the issue effect immediately. I think you have done some great work as a REG Commander. I would love to have you again as a REG Commander.

    • Friendly 1
  11. Butters I have had multiple interactions with you in my current times in the 21st. I have had good and bad times with you, I personally think you can be great at the role of Bacara, the thing is that your attitude needs work, the way you speak to people needs work, the way you handle situations needs work, to understand what it means to be a Commander needs work, you need to work on activity, and how to work with other High Command.

    I think you have to work on these things before you become a BCMD. I might be wrong with these following statements but I think that's just what I've been seeing in the past couple days as you being a Commander.

    For Example, there was a situation before , Jaydon, Flytape and I told you not go in the channel and deal with it and leave it alone. You then didn't listen to us and went to the channel and made the situation worse than it was. I think you could be a great Commander / Bacara, but I think you will need some work at it first.

    How would you try to work on the problems / issues I listed? How do you plan on fixing GM since you don't have any experience on that side of the battalion? Your activity is a bit iffy and I find that sort of an issue especially since your the leader of 21st as of now? You can try to contact me or respond on here either is fine, I would love to speak to you and resolve some issues. Thank You.

  12. 2 minutes ago, PUCK said:

    It is interesting that you are considering on moving the Med position to a full time GM, to see if this moves the needle to balancing the two groups is to be seen. If we look at the battalion as it stands now and it would just bring one member from SO to GM and still have a 2:1 ratio between the two, and not counting NC. The bulk of SO members are in ARF and ARC. But again if you implement the medic change, I hope that it balances it out. 

    When it comes to holding the SO recruitment for a short time, while I agree with you that some people left the battalion because they couldn't be SO, it did help balance out the battalion between the two groups, and was incentivized by the possibility of becoming KU. And around this time, we almost had a full KU group. I mean I can suggest an idea of having those who may be interested in SO to try GM for a short amount of time to see if that might enjoy being a GM. And if they don't then they will go ahead and move on to SO. 



    In response to this, I can partially agree that Medic change could be 50.50 but honestly, it will most likely work in my opinion. If we stop SO tryouts like we did 2 times in the past that is just dumb. The moment a recruit joined and heard SO tryouts were closed they either went AFK or left the battalion. The only reason that KU got full is because the people who were currently in the battalion before SO stopped recruitment joined KU not when SO recruitment stopped. It didn't help but hurt the battalion dramatically.

    • Agree 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Clank said:

    -1, there's no real doubt that you're qualified, but I honestly believe, with the current state 21st has been in since early this year, someone like Oxen is needed to fix it, I have no doubt that after he comes in and reforms stuff that you'd be the next best fit, but nows not the time. Sorry.

    @Clank What makes you think that Oxen is a good candidate compared Jaydon when it comes to the next Bacara?

  14. +1

    As a current SC under Jaydon I truly believe he has what it takes to be our BCMD. He's been leading this battalion since Claw resigned and has been doing an amazing job. While Jaydon was leading, 21st has been pooping with numbers more than the past BCMDs have had. The battalion has gone through changes with Jaydon as the XO leading it and these changes have dramatically changed 21st in ways of making it better. I have spent my days in Synergy with Jaydon since basically I have stepped foot into synergy, I would know that he has what it takes to be leading a battalion to the top.

    • Friendly 1
  15. Now you say that SC is legacy but that defeats the entire purpose of what SC is meant to be and what a SO trooper is looking forward to be is going to be gone because they need legacy. Personally legacy has been fixed already by Claw and Jaydon to be perfect and don’t think it needs more tampering around with. But anyways SC is meant to be a Side Unit for SO to be able to get into. SC is the elite force of SO and is more known to get the stealth job done with no flaws. They mentor the SO and point the direction of rights and wrongs. But with them gone that guidance is gone and it seems as it will be another run for GM and KU favoritism in my eyes. If you can prove me wrong here I will maybe think different on my vote.

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