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Everything posted by Esitt

  1. Im thoroughly confused. Im just going to leave this here and @Peaceshield can make a new one in server suggestions if this is serious.
  2. The -1's outweigh the +1's, sorry but poor community feedback. The only way I could see this coming back now is if Joah vetos it like the 187th. There is always the 187th strategy as well, just keep making the suggestion until the community and founders say yes. DENIED //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  3. Looks fine. PENDING //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Pending
  4. Esitt

    ReAdd Media Player

    I was waiting for a response from Joah but he isn't so. Im going to put this to pending cause why not, it was a fun thing. PENDING //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Pending
  5. Esitt


    Voided as per request of the author //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  6. Voided as per request of the author //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  7. Esitt

    I like Climbing

    No, it isn't. @Pythin remove the videos right now, they aren't needed.
  8. Oh no @Zim they are bringing your rep back down! I had to take away my love disagree. Can't be doing that to you.
  9. this disagree i am going to give is only for the culture. I pray to your even 1000 rep.
  10. Voided as per request of the author //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  11. Esitt


    Voided as per request of the author //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  12. Ask for permission next time. DENIED //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  13. This ^ Sorry, find a new pack. DENIED //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  14. Omg hahahhahaha another fake commander report! very funny omegaLUL XD XD X D X D D D D penis.
  15. Seems fine. PENDING //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Pending
  16. that file size is iffy, but we will see. PENDING //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Pending
  17. holy fuck. Voided as per request of the author //Locked //Moved to Server Suggestions - Denied
  18. Im quite sure no one "hates" DU. But you making this post sure doesn't help the situation. OmegeLUL
  19. Imma just step in here for a moment. @Blaki please do not answer questions that are rendered towards @Runs with Apache Second, the bunks are not the reason why battalions must be removed for others to be added lol.
  20. Doing fine, how are you? And no, I can't be back yet. I have to finish up school. I'm waiting until summer to play GMOD.
  21. hold up pause. No way Ginyu erp'ed with her.
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