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Everything posted by Gohn

  1. Gohn

    Chaseman Reapp

    -1 Just left the staff team and if u got mad because of that and u just resigned and now u wanna apply again i belive you are not matture enough as a staff
  2. +1 Doing a great job as a trooper and very mature
  3. +1 i liked your evevnts alot and they are put together very good
  4. 10/10 Really fun event 501st and DU Worked really good together well put event
  5. Gohn

    Zero- The cold

    9/10 Alot of fun i would want a little longer tho
  6. Gohn

    Cutlaw's Beast

    10/10 Unique event good job
  7. Name: Gohn Who helped (If applicable): Spite Event Name: "Gohn" Republic weapon Summary of the story: So CIS setup a outpost over at granite which was a distraction so when almost everyone where over at granite, we had a commando droid sneak inside the base and went up to the CIC to download some data about a republic weapon that they where working on. The droid downloaded some of the data and then got caught. On the way back no one had taken the data pad of the commando droid, so the other commando droid took the data pad and used a vulture droid to escape the planet and got away with the data. What was the result of the event?: They downloaded a bit of the data and got away its the 1/2 event of this. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with a little oriented event
  8. My LOA is now over @Foxey
  9. Yes pn both of the other question
  10. Title your LOA as: [Gohn]'s LOA [START 22-26/27/28] Name: Gohn Staff Rank: Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87120731 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): From the 22nd to 26/27/28th Reason: me and my friends are going away and celebrating christmas and i dont know when we will be back since we could choose how long we wanted to stay so if we like it it will probably be to the 28 but if we dont to the 26 it can be diffrent Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:
  11. 9/10 Good job liked it alot
  12. 9/10 I liked it alot thanks for the deployment
  13. 9/10 Really good and new event liked it alot
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