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Everything posted by JustTaco

  1. Damn gamer really gonna miss you. Had a lot of fun. Keep up.
  2. JustTaco

    Parjai Model

    +1 pretty pog ngl
  3. JustTaco

    Map Change

    +1 100% no questions about it
  4. +1 Works extremely hard for DU, cares a lot about not only the battalion but also the people within. Always keeps others opinions in mind.
  5. +1 May be a bit toxic but he works hard for the community.
  6. 10/10 Hands down the best event I've been apart of. From the stealth to the narrow get away on the LAAT i was fully immersed into the RP. It took thought and planning and wasn't just a shoot em up and I loved it.
  7. Look I love you Rohan but I really don't think you are ready. You left the battalion for a week to the 327th and came back right before the application process. I just don't feel you can take on the burden so -1.
  8. +1 For the short amount of time I've been in DU Trixx has been one of the only people I know i can go to for anything. He not only cares for DU but for those in the battalion. He has been XO for a while and deserves BCMD
  9. I enjoyed the puzzle aspect of the event 10/10
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