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Posts posted by Chumbus

  1. Heyo,


    I don't know if many of you who currently play on the server remember me or even if I remember you but I'm a guy from 2+ years ago who grinded the shit outta this game, this server and this staff team and am currently making a slow return. A lot has changed over the time I've been gone so it will be fun to meet all you guys. My favorite part of this game was honestly being staff and when I was Head Admin I enjoyed making the server feel as connected as possible with each other and once I get a feel for the server I play on working my way back up to the top of the staff team. For those of you who knew me or are interested in meeting me please feel free to say hi or talk to me whenever you see me I'm always down for a chat about basically anything :)



  2. Name: Chumbus

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116079826

    Staff Rank: HA

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 4/28/2021

    Reason for leaving: I've had quite a few big things IRL come up that im not gunna discuss here but if you must know i will be alright and so will my family nothing serious in that sense

    Sorry to everyone who was hopin to see prime chumbus be the best HA and eventually Director of all time but hey i'll probably be back to staff someday its just today i have things i gotta do

    Farewells are non existent cause i'll still be checking in with everyone quite semiregularly however i have one thing to say

    Bacta become the HA i was striving to be but please dont overwork yourself



  3. Name: Chumbus

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Event/Encounter Name: Umbaran Mayhem

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  21st was deployed to Umbara to complete a set of intertwining missions in order to aid the populous and make the galaxy safer


  4. Mitchell makes very good points i agree with most of them he is well spoken young lad and usually has some pretty good takes on things.  Clutch the main reason its extra bad RN is cause the event server down so people are burnt the heck out of doing main server stuff and to be frank there is only so much they can do and its putting a toll on the team as a whole. As for the state of the HA team, yes there is lots of stuff we have to do behind the scenes but in my opinion it doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing normal duties too, hence why you'll see me taking normal tickets and helping people out whenever they need and (when I'm not dying from covid) I'm on the server for most of the entire day so if anything happens or if anyone needs anything i can help out (((moneys just a bonus) AKA the in game pay they don't pay me real money lol)AKA the Credits i get from being AFK not like they give me credits))) and for the most part you guys might see me channel hopping and hanging out with different batts because I'm tryna make sure if anyone ever needs to say something that I and the HA team as a whole can seem more approachable and allow people to truly reach out and talk to us without having any fears. Finally in terms of favoritism at least from me, yeah if ur a cool guy and i like you i'll be more inclined to promote you when your name is brought up, HOWEVER, there is only 3 people i truly HATE on this server and that isnt a real hate its cause when i first came back they dumbed me on my forums posts lol so as far as it goes coming from the resident meme I will NEVER hold a grudge or be upset by a "bad take" or ur personal opinion so feel free to rant and complain and give feedback to me and i will do my best to convey it for you


    Sorry for one long paragraph im lazy and still sick

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  5. Hi im chumbus

    I got shoutout in original post lol yay

    Someone said something about HA's need to look at tickets more and as a fresh HA/BestVA in history i can say adamantly i make sure tickets and brought up when discussing promotions and such

    Favouritism is real fo sho but even if ur a minge like me but still work u can get up there

    Hi @bazoo u french canadian fuck

    and finally guys i get why we are having this discussion you want me to buy the server and i will dont worry owner chumbus incoming and im willing to pay major sheckles


    Chumbus : Covid Recipient, Dead dog haver, Grandparent in the hospital also haver lol

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  6. Name: Chumbus

    Who helped (If applicable): Coal

    Event/Encounter Name: Cave Escape

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  The 212th and DU were sent to Geonosis on a secret mission where they ended up "trapped" in the CIS facility needing to find another way out and fought their way through the caves gathering data and resources along the way


  7. Name: Chumbus

    Who helped (If applicable): Drew, jay, Kiriko

    Event/Encounter Name: CG's last stand

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  The chancellor's PR team sent him out to an endorian village to make the rounds and meet republic citizens, however an angry citizen contacted the CIS and made life a whole lot worse for the CG and Chancellor.


  8. Name:Chumbus

    Staff Rank:VA


    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 4/5/2021-4/9/2021

    Reason: Finishing up final assignment for course so im putting in an LOA just so if i dont meet quotas in stuff there's a reason. Probably still get on the server but wont do much beside afk unless someone needs me. i'll be available on disc and TS most times too

    Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  9. Name: Chumbus

    Who helped (If applicable): Warmac, Coal

    Event/Encounter Name:  Geonosian Assault

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional):  N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):
    The 212th Attack batallion was sent on a mission to geonosis to do a number of small missions including, Gather data, Capturing a VIP, Destroying a vehicle depot, Conquering an enemy base, Paratrooping and more.


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