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Everything posted by Pot

  1. +1 +1 +1 if i could give anymore i would this man is a perfect fit ive seen him around on the server and he is such a cool guy great rper and a great fit for staff
  2. Denied Denied Stop Plz dont leave me.... 😥
  3. Before i vote i just want to ask @Parski are you a TR?
  4. Pot

    Server Stories

    One time i got mugged by a girl gamer
  5. Name: Pot Who helped (If applicable): Alex - Event Job Young - Event Job Xander - Shadow Event Name: Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut Summary of the story: A dead sith sorcerer called Dathka Graush was reincarnated as a force ghost and raised 2 undead to kill all the jedi What was the result of the event?: the ghost died and so did the undead Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  6. +1 just did an event job for me really chill guy
  7. Name: Pot Who helped (If applicable): Scream - Event Job Wavvy - Event job Vango - GH Shadow Rohan - GM Shadow Nade - GMO Shadow Event Name: The 2 Step plan Summary of the story: A commando droid dressed in CT armour rode into the base on a Barc Speeder with a cage attached to it inside the cage was what the commando droid claimed to be a captured CIS General whom in actuality was a CIS test subject who had been forcfully infected with the Raghoul virus the Subject broke at of the cage and went raghoul and infected many personel of the base and the commando droid fled during the commotion the CIS went through with the second stage of their plan which was to send a large fleet to take the base What was the result of the event?: The infection was kwelled and the CIS repelled Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  8. Name: Pot Who helped (If applicable): Taco - Event Job | Atomic - Event Job | Clorox - Event Job | Cutlaw - Shadow Event Name: The prisoner problem Summary of the story: 2 trandos were banished from their clan and whilst fleeing theyre planet they kidnapped theyre clans cheif engineer with the intent to trade him for their safety they landed on anaxes and setup a temporary camp when one trando was captured and the prisoner taken the remaining trando made a deal with the CIS to pay them 5 million credits which in actuality he didnt have in exchange for them to send a fleet to the base and help him get his prisoner back What was the result of the event?: the CIS was repelled and the trando whom called them killed same with the other whom comitted suicide during interrogation and the trandos prisoner was taken to coruscunt to create weapons for the republic Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  9. Pot

    my apply

    +1 you seem pretty cool and it wouldnt hurt to give you a chance
  10. Ye thats what its gonna be form now on
  11. Ok so the title of this post is intentionally misleading [dont kill me plz] but im gonna need a large group of people to sing a song in mess hall the date and time are yet to be decided same with the song but keep in mind that its for a good cause on the date that it happens there will be a stage in mess hall and i need that stage jampact with as many people as possible if u wanna do it type ok on this post and remember this is a secret operatrion so if ur in and when ur told what its for dont tell anybody
  12. @Sanchez Resident @Marvel User has voided the application
  13. until we can find out what this man was actually banned for im going to refrain from +1ing or -1ing
  14. @RolenthTTV @Piff why don’t we organise a fight a fight for the right to fatherhood
  15. Hi I’m Pot! For those who didn’t already know me I’m Pot I’ve been playing on synergy for the last few months and Ive been quite enjoying it the reason I’m making this post is because I got NA and I think that some of the people who I will be working with deserve to know a bit about me so here we go I’m 12 years old from the uk and I’ve been playing gmod since I got my pc I’m currently in the 501st under the name of Slammer and I’ve made a lot of friends their and I’m planning on staying for the rest of my synergy career I’m the 501st JTL and I really enjoy aerial combat I’m also part of blue squadron (501st pilots) as well as my clone I have a BO and Jedi I’m a BO SPC under the name of Linkl and a Jedi Padawan striving for knight under the name Pot I’m also a TR and NA and I can’t wait to maybe get GH so I can start doing events that’s all for now and thanks for welcoming me to this wonderful community
  16. Fat +1 I love being event jobs and one of his events was my favourite ever event it was so good I even forgot about my batt meaning whilst taking part
  17. Pot


    +1 let’s give him a chance if he’s that bad let’s just bean him
  18. Try copying th image the next just pasting it on the message instead
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