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Everything posted by Ccmonty

  1. Hey have I guys ever played splatoon? Well they have this thing called a splatfest 2 sides fight to win so I thought we could do something similar everyone gets a tool gun and a paint effect if anyone abuses they get banned and the winners get perma weapons or something sound good
  2. I mean I guess when Wolfe removes his chip I could have my character be one of the few who also does
  3. yeah im not talking about doing thakt i mean damaging it to stop it fromn working not go crazy with /advert order 66 etc.
  5. Hey guys it's Monty the meme lord and I was wondering is it possible (and/or allowed) for me to somehow RP damage my characters inhibited chip I haven't figured out how I was just wondering if it can be done
  6. Welcome here in this thread we worship our lord and savior Palpy come joins us ALL HAIL PALPY!
  7. O that's just something I've been wondering for awhile
  8. Is the corvesio on the server synergy I mean the same corvesio from icefuse?
  9. If i ever become a game maker i want to do LOTS of RP based events for different batts like a event where the gm need to go out into space or a negotiations event for mah boys in the 104th or maybe a event where a fugitive sneaks abourd disgized as a clone for the cg and then ill also do some shoot em up events and events that are a mix or RP and shoot em up
  10. dont lie to us beb we ALL know Tuff 99% isnt dead
  11. oh THATS who sparks is i remember now yeah dude 10/10 thx for all the hard work on this server and as wolffe on icefuse even though i never met u
  12. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He's a good man?
  13. It's hard to make a non shoot em up event
  14. Wait navi is bulr in Zelda and avatar navis Jedi name text is in blue and 501st is also blue navi 501st conspiracy confirmed!
  15. New to the forums yes new to server no
  16. And also don't get pissed off of the event isn't what u wang or if your batt is getting no action it's a event be happy that it's happening also if someone wants to do a rp event don't complain 90% of events are shot em ups so just be patient ok that's all
  17. Hey guys its Monty now while I'm not a game maker myself I have been in enough events to see that it takes some work to make a event so don't annoy the game makers about doing events guys let them do their IRL stuff and let them do a event when they want instead of asking for events just something I wanted to say k bye
  18. on hold intill I can get tr trained if trr training from icefuse carries over to here plz let me know
  19. RP Name:104th TECH HVY CPL Monty Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:168633446 Age:14 Gender:Male Time zone: USA Eastern Tell us why you wish to be an administrator: I wish to be a admin so I can help improve the server and its content. I wish to be able to make events as well as assist in fixing problems and giving the player things to do. Some of these things include: NPC sims,events(once I'm a gm),passive rp, mini games, etc. I would also like to help other players with fixing their problems as well as deal with minges or trouble makers. I hope you will consider me for a staff position and look forward to a response. Tell us a little about yourself: I'm 14 and live in the USA. I have a device that limits the time I can be on internet witch disconnects me randomly (its annoying). I have ADHD which is why I sometimes get hyper or take things to far and inadvertently cause problems. My school day starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. My bed time is 9:00 PM Do you have any previous staff experience? No
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