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Everything posted by Skore

  1. Bruh I almost shat my pants when I read the title
  2. Wait who is going to mass host TR trainings
  3. I liked that you used different kinds of droids and the crashed acclamator and the music was great 9/10
  4. 9/10 I like passive RP events
  5. +1 Literally the last hope...like actually the last hope for the battalion
  6. I have no idea maybe if you factory reset ur computer thats all I can think of
  7. In-game Name: TR DU ARFO CSM Skore What playermodel you want used: Doom' s Unit ARF trooper (Cape with knife, grey mask with yellow stripe, black and green kama, right black shoulder. heavy bandolier 2, black hip pistols, IMPORTANT: head 0) Text 1 (Bottom left): jarhead (in aurebesh) Text 2 (Bottom right): Skore What background/map you want used: Anything is fine Any other notes: something tech related i dont really know what tho Do you understand upon posting a request you agree to pay 20,000 credits: YUP (ill pay even more since ur doing an amazing job)
  8. 10/10 super good event, I loved the bit where you used the holovid that was fkn cool
  9. A bit short, should have had 1 life and should have made it alot harder with maybe sniper event jobs or maybe just spam more droids. 6/10
  10. Skore

    Cad Banes Arrival

    I really liked it, I really love it when the base becomes dark it's very immersive 9/10
  11. 10/10 I really liked this event it was fun and there was a lot of action and the event jobs were good
  12. +1 I actually love ur attidude. U just know how to handle stuff and you are so mature but not so mature you become boring
  13. +1 He is a good role player and mature
  14. +1 Ive seen him talk and he seems like a pretty mature guy
  15. I really liked thisjust cause it wasnt just a normal as event. You actually had something happend. I can't really say I know what happend but it was fun. 9/10
  16. +1 This guy is very ELITE, soo accept him
  17. Skore

    Rose- Gate recovery

    I really liked the idea that we were supposed to find parts. This event would work great if you would deploy only one battalion. It was very awkward when you ask an event job a question but then he had already answered another battalion. 10/10 Idea but 7.3/10 Execution
  18. Skore

    McNob- The Hive

    I was doing Pilot training most of the event but from what I saw in the chat and from reading this it seemed like a good event. 8/10
  19. I always love event server events and im glad you took your day off to make an event for us. It was good 9/10
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