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Posts posted by McFisher

  1. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Scrumble, Beb, Ricky, Foe

    Event Name: AA Virus

    Summary of the story: Droids and commandos were sent in to download a virus into the main aa system, to target the ATC Tower, so their attack could be un detected, and cripple the republic

    What was the result of the event?: ATC Tower Is Destroyed Foer now, and the republic won, wow who knew

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More shoot em up but also RP

  2. Name: McFisher (SHADOW BLACK)

    Who helped (If applicable): Hawky, Jackson, Sock, Qadd, Truth

    Event Name: Generals Orders

    Summary of the story: Jar Jar And Lux Got Captured (Again) And There was 4 different planets. they had to search all 4 until they found a sith temple with 4 DHG And had a massive battle , after 3 other battles ofc, and rescued the sneators and the turned general, who later turned on his troopers

    What was the result of the event?: Mass RDM. Jk Erm I Think It Was Fun. a good fight.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up




    Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): GH = Rewind, Cloves. EJ = Willy, Sleeper

    Event Name: Miner Droids Part 1

    Summary of the story: the CIS Has New Miner Droids Which can Destroy and cut throught the ground below them.they attacked the base and cut through the MHB Elevators, which spread out their forces whilst commandos cut a hudge hole through the roof of the MCDMs Office, stealing 2 data files. They then escasped through the bbase and took over alpha and bravo, whilst transmitting the data to CIS Command. They However failed As CG And The MCMDs Force was too strong for them. they failed, and the 2 droids head had halfd a data code, which contained a secret CIS Weapon.,..

    What was the result of the event?: Big Boy RP And a good fight. also some random CT Got interrogated IDKY Lol

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up

  3. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Dogma, Joe, Stormzy

    Event Name: Omalics Death

    Summary of the story: The CIS Had To Eliminate Commander Omalic, Due To Happenings On Kamino With A Fellow 501st Trooper We Captured. They Got Their Attention And Managed To Capture Him Securley In Brig. Then They Negotiated For His Capture, Saying If They Give Them File 13, they Would Realese him (For An Future Event). They Goty The File, Sent It To Command And Either Died Or Escaped With The Commander Dead Or Alive

    What was the result of the event?: We Got Him Captured And Was Gonna Negotiate But for Some Reason They Didn't Care, rushed The heck outta us and Knifed Us To Death. And yeah. No Roleplay Got To Happen.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Should Be Both But just Shoot Em Up

  4. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Sonny, Carvis, Apple, Guppies, Rak, Zak

    Event Name: Kamino take Back

    Summary of the story: After The Black Sun Infiltrated The Base, they Sold Some republic Blockade Plans To The CIS. They attacked, Taking Kamino And Blocking Communications. We Was Sent To Take It back. we Done A Full Forward Attack, And Claimed The Base, Whilst Defusing Bombs And Removing Grievous. Then As They Regrouped Back To Base, a Communication In The Blocked Off Main Tower WAs caught, Asking For Backup With A DNA Vile. They Deployed and Defended It With Constant Waves. But They Were Overrun and the Republic Won.

    What was the result of the event?: Stupid Mass Lag when I spawned like 50 droids Due To the Fact im a dumbass and done a full server Deployment.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay. Shoot Em Up

  5. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Loopy, Restart

    Event Name: Get Out Of brig

    Summary of the story: A Trandoshan let green liquids out in a brig cell which spread out over the whole of the brig, infecting shock. then the troopers become ad and lazy. also quite stupid or sensless. they then spread it due to them being senseless. Then they notice Species other than humans/Clones are affected. So this causes them to start attacking their troopers with their fists. Hopefully they will be locked down and a cure will be made, which includes gungan/any other species blood.

    What was the result of the event?: Everyone Didn't Liosten and done the complete opposite but the cure got disbursed

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Reolplay.

  6. Name: McFisher

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455161689


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:  575


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7-8


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:I can give good instructions but sometimes I mix my words up but I try my hardest to fix any errors I have made. I can also enforce my instructions if someone has done something bad, I can deal with it appropriately.

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: There Is A Group of trandos around Charlie, Selling jawas to people. then they  get seen by the republic. the trandos have the jawas family hostage and say if anything happens they will kill the jawas. so there will be some rp, then after the randos make a distraction with bombs planted at Charlie, and escape, then the clones have to go to bravo/alpha where the jawa family is surrounded by droids. then the droids are killed and the jaws are rescued and sent home.


    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): 



  7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Name: McFisher (Shadowed by Maverick)

    Who helped (If applicable): Techno, Rohan,

    Event Name: Senator Trap

    Summary of the story: Senatorswere shot down and boobytrapped by the CIS And It got set off, the cis done a small attack and then when the republic opened the black box, there was a large CIS Attack and everyone had to protect the senator and then the senator and bodyguards left

    What was the result of the event?: The senators left un harmed with his body guards

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both more shoot em up

  8. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Arti, Miller, Willy. GH = Cutlaw, hawk

    Event Name: Egg Infection

    Summary of the story: Droids planted eggs in the vents to distract the clones whilst the undead attack CY, helping the droids escape or be captured, so they will weaken the republic.

    What was the result of the event?: The republic won and the droids were destroyed

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  9. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Overviewed by Marvel. EJ : Sev, Cabrera, Wooley, Malore, Reed.

    Event Name: Trando Challange

    Summary of the story: 2 Trandos had a jedi holocron with the location of a hidden youngling. The trando gets the jedi to fight the sith in different challenges to get the holocron. when they get the holocron after doing several challenges, the trandos gave them the holocron and the location of the younglins, and whilst on their way were Ambushed by a sith. But who wins the youngling is something we do not know!

    What was the result of the event?: The Jedi saved the youngling and brought it to the temple

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event oth Tbh. More RP

  10. Title your LOA as: McFisher/Josh ROA 14/05/2019-14-06-2019

    Name: McFisher/Josh

    Staff Rank: Admin

    Length of ROA (Please specify date if possible):  Around A Month

    Reason: GCSE's. Will Be on at weekends and for small amounts on the weekdays, but if I suddenly don't come on, My Pc's Been Took Off me Lol

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Im Not On any rip But Yeah

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  11. Just now, Beast said:

    4/10 Confusing and you narrated even though Im pretty sure its banned. It was confusing and some of the stuff that happened didnt make sense

    EX. While as game master you adverted "The chlorine has awaken the head crabs in the lake" 

    EX. We put the cure in the lake but the lake was still "infected" and people were getting infected 

    Is It Banned? Sorry I Didn't Know :/


  12. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Shadowed by Liquid. GH = TingusPingus. EJ = Jackson, Blaki, Maverick

    Event Name: Trando Infection

    Summary of the story: 2 Trandoshan Scientists Will poison the Lake with certain chemicals to overview what it happens to the clones. If any clone/jedi/sith enter the lake they will be contaminated and start to become weaker. they will hopefully be put in quarantine. The Trandoshans have a cure and ask the republic for a ransomed and a ship that they will later use on other planets to poison them. If they escape, they Leave. if the republic imprison them, the Clones/jedi/sith die due to poisoning and the trandoshans die. so they can either Choose to possibly endanger other civs or loose their troops

    What was the result of the event?: Player Choice Either Way

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play

    • Agree 1
  13. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): GH = Callo, Dash Event Jobs = 41st Draa, ST Seamus, 327th Omama, ST Ricky, 41st Luke,

    Event Name: Rebel Attack

    Summary of the story: a squad of rebels landed on Endor and were attacked by the CIS. they ask the republic for back up, and assist. Then the rebels find out of the republics wrong doing and turn on the Republic killing lots of them. Then they were killed and the tactical droid was captured  stripped of its memory and blown up. Then the CIS Left the system.

    What was the result of the event?: The Rebels were killed and the tactical droid was took into custody and scraped after the republic extracted its memory

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  14. Name: McFisher ( Shadowed By Dennis)

    Who helped (If applicable): Jaxx, Dash  Staff: Regan, Callo

    Event Name: Tusken Revenge

    Summary of the story: 2 Bounty Hunters Ordered 2 tusken raiders to attack the republic base due to old encounters. It could've went either 2 ways. The Tusken Raiders were Killed By the republic, and 2 Bounty Hunters Flew into the Base. they would question where they are, and when told that they were killed, they would burst out with anger and calls the CIS. The droids Attack as the BHs Escape and the droids would loose. Or the Tuskens Were Detained and questioned, and before they break, they would infiltrate the base and Eliminate The Tuskens whilst the CIS Is attacking. then the BHs would try to escape, taking their life if nessacary.

    What was the result of the event?: The Tusken raiders were detained and questioned. And They both died. and the bounty Hunters took a BO Hostage For credits But when trying to escape, one of them were took hostage and killed themselves, whereas the other one escaped with the credits.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: it has both shoot em up and roleplay but more

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