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Posts posted by Rohan

  1. Name: Rohan

    Staff Rank: Head Admin

    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 7/20 - 7/24

    Reason: Going to a different place for a little bit where I won't have the ability to hop on.

    Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position?: Yes, I do

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes, I do

  2. On 7/12/2023 at 11:51 PM, Sample said:

    i don't even know.


    There's your ban date.

    For information, we settled on 6 months due to the 10 Past Offenses. 5 of these Past Offenses include racism or some other form or derogatory language. Just sit the ban out and come back if you actually want to play at this rate.

    The 10 past offenses are not something to look lightly upon either.

    And cmon now Sample:

    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 1
  3. +1,

    From a GM standpoint it's an absolute insane thing to try and combat. Any NPC that gets hit by it is essentially ineffective from that point forward. Had hosted an event where a singular person used it and it was over in about 20 minutes due to how easily everything got ran through. Voicing the concern and being met with "you're a gm, you'll figure out how to combat it" doesn't really help either. 

  4. Name: Rohan

    Staff Rank: Head Admin

    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 7/10 - 7/17

    Reason: Busy with life for a little bit

    Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position?: Yes, I do

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes, I do

  5. 4 hours ago, Finn said:


    Most people seemed to be enjoying themselves, the entertainment was regular, if simple, and there was enough freeform time to let us make our own roleplay, which was nice. I think if you're going to do this type of event again, get more GHs to reduce the downtime. After the 3rd or 4th time we just sat there shooting droids I really lost interest.

    There was a decent amount of lag at times, but I don't think any major crashes happened while I was on so it's not so bad.


    Please give us more tanks next time, there was still some room over at Aurek for vehicles.



    • Friendly 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, trlckxx said:

    We were sent to take care of targets and killed them all but one. Which we found out was the RC but he was nowhere to be found so the main objective wasn't even complete. so why transition to SOBDE being traitor's when we still need to find the last target? plus no RP was really involved. 

    The objective was to DETAIN all SOBDE, not kill. Either way, it was revealed at the end that the target was Zeus, the last HVT that is in the end. It was said over the intercom during that whole last part.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Gurk said:

    I know that GMs(Not all) dont want BARCS in their events/deployments due it being so strong.

    Huh? I just never spawn them because no one asks besides the occasional Improcco during events I host. Regardless, -1. It's usage is for scouting things out, not a frontline armored vehicle to combat a lot. Use it as that. It does quite a lot of damage, like a vehicle. IF need be, just ask any Gamemaster (SA+/GM) to use the tool called "Max Health & Shield"


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