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Posts posted by Rohan

  1. Not gonna name the server, but @Qwekan knows what I am talking about, we used to play together on a server who uses this and it is really handy to do shit. Like we had a bind for people to group up in battles with heavy battles, to move forward or the okay sign that you're like ready. It's also what we used to salute so you could basically put in

    bind K "act salute ; say /me salutes with respect" 

    and hd both the act and the /me. Was really nice to have.

  2. Name: Rohan 

    Who helped (If applicable): Jackal, Hobo, Carvis

    Event Name: General Carvus to the rescue

    Summary of the story: Shock and the senators are going to a base operated by Brigadier General Decus and the 91st under him. Shock was sent to escort the senators to persuade a neutral system to join the Republic. They got ambushed in the air and crash landed. The governor and one of his guards got taken prisoner but one died. General Decus and all 91st died. The base operatives died. 

    What was the result of the event?: The ST crash landed and lost their weaopns except a few boxes. With those limited weapons they took an armory and got fully equiped for battle. They fought their way through the very heavily defended base and found the dead general, dead 91st and the alive planetary governor + autistic guard. They started talking and came to an end. Debrief after

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up followed with senatorial rp

    Additonal information: "i Am KeViN"

  3. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable): Sparky, Shadow

    Event Name: Project Aries

    Summary of the story: A Scientst has been experimenting on innocent civies to make them into super soldiers. One human, a shark guy (idk the species name exactly) and a lot of trandos seemed to be the best options as they did not die. This took the interest of the CIS and they defended them heavily. The SO BDE was actually shot down because of the unexpected CIS forces. They had no equipment but stole it back from caches.

    What was the result of the event?: The SO BDE took out ALL of the droids and the 24 super soldiers. Darman placed the seismic charge on the generators and he nearly died. Rescue team went back and saved him.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:  Shoot em up. Very much.

    This was the first deployment for SO BDE I did, hope you enjoyed it.

  4. Name: Rohan (GM) Tyennoch (Idea)

    Who helped (If applicable): Niro, Rick

    Event Name: Project Callisto

    Summary of the story: Freedom fighters on Rishi Moon are trying to stop the CIS. They have developed a weapon (defollator) that kills all organic life but leave mechanical forces. While the main forces (Clones and Freedom fighters) attack the base the actual plan is that the freedom fighters go to the weapon and target the city near them. This means they betray the republic and fight against them.

    What was the result of the event?: They succesfully took the base, frigate came in to support CIS but the freedom fighters had other plans and had their men move into the hangar and gen room, powering the weapon and targetting it. However the troopers found out but failed to destroy it. The base blew up and they had to evac. Not everyone made it.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up 80% and 20% RP

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