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Posts posted by Rohan

  1. Name: Rohan

    Who helped (If applicable): Kurama

    Event Name: Capital Supremacy

    Summary of the story: On a relief mission on the venator the republic Field Marshal got attacked. The CIS boarded with their new B1 Rocket droids. 

    What was the result of the event?: MHB -> Doors -> Eng room | Inspired by Capital supremacy boarding phase 1, 2 and 3 in battlefront 2 (2017)

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Pew pew

  2. On 11/3/2019 at 10:06 PM, Trig said:

    I'm going to say this as a big -1. I was going to leave it there but upon High command in the battalion -1ing Egg’s app and writing huge amounts of false information im going to be writing even more with accurate information.

    1. I have hardly seen you active, the most ive seen is AFK from you and other officers in the battalion. I recently checked and most of the HC have 11-19hours+ a day, now that it is school season I highly doubt you can physically be on for that amount of time, if you aren't going to be playing just log off the server._oopyfUbJFhgNFi_lO78NMNhvgScTKMEWHUfYAzbLcol5pYfk-pMkhhX6aXHz1Lnu8iJvYe1E6ITjkGD9sTFWfbiGuAtCn85tRgeaSMJH1aBoWdW9zB583h9ZcNBeUJgZw
    2. The battalion really promotes the Special snowflake vibe, after recently being in the battalion for a lower enlisted I felt like I was treated like trash, I was being hawked over and followed by CO’s and when I asked why do I have to take off a bodygrouper i was told “You just have to” no explanation other than, “You are not special enough like us inner circle guys”

    3. 41st? More like green company. Elite corps is practically dead and nonexistent as your battalion promotes the we are the best because we are green company vibe, there is not a single EC officer I have seen online and it makes it feel like being in EC makes you feel like a lower life form and you will not be noticed

    4. Lack of just anything. Upon doing tryouts my trainer was being watched over like a hawk and upon him being followed whenever he moved he asked the CO to do something like a training with the battalion or interacting with him to which the CO responded with “No, I don't have to” in front of me and another CT. If I wasn't already dedicated to 1yr+ of the battalion I think I would have just went to another battalion at that point

    Battalion Bunks are constantly Filled with AFK players like this, I also have videos of multiple officers going AFK during events

    5. Fast promotions. On your roster you have dates when you recruited people, some people in the battalion have been here for 2 months and are high officers as such people (Egg and other ncos) have been here for much longer and trying their best and are still low NCO

    6. Based on what i heard from CMD Gett, the 41st are currently -1ing egg because the Higher ups in the battalion are scared of Egg removing them and that they will leave the battalion just to not be with him, with these statements it just proves that nobody in the higher positions care about the battalion or other enlisted and its all for character models and virtual rank.

    7. Immature high command. Once again the people you promote and think are doing good jobs are the people going after your opponent saying “Eggs a dick and hes mean and he's been arrested (Both where technically false on Egg’s case but they want people to -1 Egg really bad)
    Instead of being mature and debating they just continue to try to insult him. If they can do that to Egg what's stopping them from hating other NCOs or enlisted. This is not something that should be happening from Higher ups who should be professional, this happening on the forums should not be a thing as its showing to the public who these people in the battalion really are.

    Upon writing this I saw this happen (I can get it timestamped aswell if you really wish) I wouldnt doubt if you told these people that you posted the app seeing as they almost all are here instantly

    Sorry b but once again I have yet to see anything from this battalion since I left over 1+years ago besides a dead and broken battalion. Egg is the redemption its needed.
    For everyone that negative reacted the +1's on other apps this is how you do a -1 with *EVIDENCE*
    EDIT : Imagine dumbing and reacting which means you are defending a dead and inactive battalion kek


    The time you took for this..........................................................................................


    Name: Shaw

    Staff Rank: Administrator


    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 8 days. 4th - 12th

    Reason: Computer broken. In the shop.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes.

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.

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