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Head Admin
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Posts posted by Rohan




    PRESENT for the High Staff Meeting: Sanchez, Joe, Lighig, Rose, Rohan, Trad


    Absent: The rest of the people who are not on absent


    High Ranks Staff PTS

    Make sure to limit your PTS to only 1-2 minutes.










    Joe: Put your name correctly without spaces etc in forms.




    Staff of the Week/Month - Trad



    Private Hours/Steam Format - Rohan

    Tonyy - Name & Hours
    Zander -  Name & Hours

    Spaghetti - Hours
    Eagle - Hours

    JigSaw - Hours

    Sixta - Name

    Staff Promotions

    NA to A- Rose

    Chaseman - STEAM_0:0:156006233

    Maddox - STEAM_0:1:107253666 [ABSENT]

    Ignis - STEAM_0:1:50442193 [ABSENT]

    Hobo - STEAM_0:0:87007506 [ABSENT]


    Admin to SA - Rose

    Carvis - STEAM_0:0:46578116


    SA to VA - Rohan

    Jagger - STEAM_0:1:42584104 [ABSENT]

    Tyennoch - STEAM_0:0:13224451

    Kurama - STEAM_0:1:34138187 [ABSENT]


    VA to HA - Sanchez

    Foxey ❤️

    • Agree 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Carter said:

    Before I give an endorsement or not there's a few things im concerned about.

    How will you work with the battalion outside your timezone? The majority of the Battalion is CST, EST and during the week are on in the evenings which will make it difficult for you to be present.

    Burn out is a real possibility with holding multiple positions like this and you might be spreading yourself too thin, how do you plan to balance this?



    1) With the timezone part I can adapt to it in a way. My school scheduele differs now and then. For example: On Tuesday, Thursday & Friday I start late (12:15 PM, 11:30AM & 12:15 PM respectively) meaning the nights before I can stay up later, which I already do. With that I can be present 5/7 days in the time the mass of the battalion members get on. As for the other 2 days I can focus on the EU timezone. Getting recruits and if needed use that time to do anything like docs, rules etc. In the weekend I can obviously be online longer but that is self-explainatory.

    2) As I said in an earlier post: I would do it as I am doing now. Scheduele my staff work to get the optimal out of my term. Honestly would do the events I have to do for the GM program right after school or before it so I won't be bothered by doing it under the time I am with the battalion members, doing meetings etc. As for HA work: This is impossible to scheduele but also doesn't take that long per interview as we also have multiple people so not all the workload is on 1 person. If I were to be accepted for this position and it become too much I'd resign for staff to focus fully on the battalion.

    I hope this answered your questions. :D

  3. 8 minutes ago, Hayley said:

    If you get the position -- how will you balance being a Head Admin and Game Master Manager? As you stated you had to drop TRO as GMM was getting more work.

    I would do it as I am doing now. Scheduele my work. With this the HA stuff is impossible, except the high staff meeting, to scheduele. However, the GM program work I schedueled. I have 4 set days I do an event which, because I have an entire document with event ideas, take little to no effort to set up as I build in singleplayer. I can paste it down, call EJs and get it in motion. Roughtly taking 45m - 1h to do everything. As for managing my team it goes fairly easy as they update their own activity and help each other too when needed. In the team itself I have 2 GMOs who are being contacted first and then to me as they follow the chain of command.

    TLDR: I have schedueled GM work and have enough free time for the battalion (atleast 3h a day)

    • Winner 1

    Steam name
    [SR] Rohan [HA]

    RP Name
    DU ARCL Captain Rohan

    Battalion or Squad you are applying for
    Doom’s Unit Battalion Commander Doom

    Experience Synergy only

    • Officer & Battalion achievements

      • < LTC [14/4/2019 - 6/9/2019] (DD/MM/YYYY)

        • Set up the idea for Havoc Squad that Dennis suggested on the forums before I was on the server.

        • Made tryouts for Havoc Squad and ran the current Brimstone through it to set it up the way they want it and make it great like it is right now due to him.

        • Revived the medical branch and managed it for a while. Been MEDL x 1 and MEDO x 2.

        • First Havoc Squad Gambit ever on the server under the only Brimstone ever.

      • Commander [6/9/2019 - 3/11/2019] (DD/MM/YYYY)

        • Intel Deputy Director

        • Regimental Lead

          • Set a new system in place with interviews & guide for any new regimental officers to be in Doom’s Unit

          • Made evaluations for each branch to keep quality in check. This was done every 2 weeks for support branches (MED, PLT & ENG) and 3-4 weeks for the recon branches (ARC & ARF).

      • Second round (CPT) [9/11/2019 - Present] (DD/MM/YYYY)

        • Regimental Officer

          • Back doing interviews and managing the regimental part together with the other REGOs & REGL

        • Achieved ARC Lead, REGO, ITM

          •  A full ARC team with members who are capable. 

          • Introducing the ARC Team specializations (Tech, EOD etc) to counteract the fighting over who is doing what.

    • Other

      • Staff

        • Achieved Head Administrator after roughly 12 weeks of being in the staff team under Marvel and Sanchez as Directors.

        • Achieved Game Master Manager in the GM program under Joe as GMC.

        • Gotten TRO, although I gave up due to the fact that GMMs were getting more work to do than before, although I wish I could’ve helped still.


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander

    This will be divided over a few things.


    I joined the server on the 14th of April and initially joined the 104th battalion. After 20 minutes of being in the 104th I encountered Commander Dennis at that time outside the bunks. He seemed pretty chill and eventually I got convinced to join Doom’s Unit. Initially when I joined Doom’s Unit I was not planning on staying but the way they handled everything outside of events was very fun to me and made me feel like part of the Unit itself. Once I finally reached the rank of Sergeant after a week or 2 (due to time zones and school) I finally had a 2 week break and started doing a lot. With this I recruited 8 people in the span of 4 days - I actually checked it back - and started to fill my requirements faster than normal. Due to this I got promoted from SGT to SFC. I felt really proud and kept doing this. Once I reached CSM and “applied” for Warrant Officer I got promoted straight to Second Lieutenant. Ever since I started pushing in the battalion trying to make it better, not only in the battalion but also my branch. Therefore I carried the medical branch as MEDO, switched to ARC, came back to medics to revive it as MEDO and got MEDL not soon after. With this I got the medical branch very active again and it felt to me like I made an accomplishment. I got appointed REGL as Major and I climbed my way to Commander under Dennis in his second term. After 2 months as Commander I wanted a change and went to 327th although a week after that I transferred back to Doom’s Unit because I missed it. I am always trying to find new ways on making the battalion a better/more professional place for the people in it and the people around it.


    As for activity ; Since I joined the server I have been on 90% of the days I have been with the community and actually playing. Working my way up in staff & the battalion both. As I am re-doing a year in school right now that requires only now and then to work on projects (like right now doing a 80h per person work on nanotechnology) in my year. With that I believe I have enough time to to run a battalion, a Gamemaster team (I am GMM) and do my staff work. With holidays coming I can be on a lot more (except on christmas days and new year’s eve). If I get this position I also plan on resigning from any other rp leadership position (jedi manager, BO branch officer/lead and my senator.) so I can fully focus on Doom’s Unit and give it all I got.


    As of now I believe my maturity and attitude have risen to a point where I can be trusted. This has a few factors in place. One of those is past experience on a different big server I played on for where I got the chance to see what to not do. When I joined synergy first I had to mindset to keep myself to that. Although I slipped a few times out of that (I.E.: Asking Pixelcat to join DU when I just got 2LT), I still believe it has risen a bit more. Another factor is my staff position. I went into staff for fun and because Dennis, at that time, told me GM has to be staff which was my ultimate goal. The third and last factor of it is my position I worked up to in the battalion of DU CMD. I was in this position for 2 months while also being REGL. Teaching myself to be consistent with work and be serious when needed. Obviously, like everyone I like a bit of fun now and then. I used to do this in any open area (I.E. in cy, hangar or outpost) as to where I now make sure it is either downtime or in a sim room with sim active. With this also comes my attitude. I believe, and I could be wrong here, that my attitude is not bad regarding being too toxic, rude or biased. I do like constructed criticism regarding my attitude as with that criticism I can improve myself.

    With being a leader in any way I believe you should be approachable. To my own knowledge I am approachable as I can be. I am open to any and all questions regarding anything and anytime I am able to reply. If I am on I typically reply within <1 hour. Otherwise whenever I wake up. With this I believe I can answer any questions either on TS, forums or discord very swiftly due to me always having ⅔ of those 3 open (Forums & Discord on phone) while I can also, in case of need, get on TS on my phone.


    Another trait is leadership. Due to you actually leading the battalion I believe leadership is required. I believe with the past experience on the other server and synergy in leadership I do have this trait. From micro-managing different teams at once (Intel, ARC, MED, All Branches as REGL, Commander) I can take this part on myself. With that appointing the helping people such as DU High Command (LTC+) to people who are capable and deserve it at the same time. A good structure starts with it’s leaders and their decisions. As a leader I don’t wanna be a nazi and decide everything, instead I want to make sure all people tied to the matter have a say in it. Example: Big suggestion is made. I am not just going to ask the CMD part of the battalion if they think it’s okay, I will ask the battalion, this is only if it is a matter that affects everyone rather than just a small group. As opposed to where problems such as minging, unprofessionalism and/or failing at his/her job can be handled by the individuals in charge of the matter. With that, as I have stated in the experience part, I have been managing groups of people in different ways: MEDL ; an entire branch under my command to the point where any change can affect them in the branch. ARCL ; another branch. This one held to a higher standard and harder to get into due to limited slots. In ARC I have to make choices, for example when the team is full and there is demand of joining looking who has not been active or who does not remember anything from their training. REGL & Commander ; Managing every branch and overseeing the battalion as CMD. Making decisions on who gets and who doesn’t get a position in an unbiased decision making. Head Admin ; Managing staff with the other HA+ and handling a lot of applications. GMM ; Again, managing a team of 4+ people (Right now at 9) to make sure they do events, track activity such as LOA/ROA and review their events.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad

    Yes, Doom’s Unit was an attack/defense battalion who utilized heavy weaponry and shields in order to advance in battles. They were under command of Clone Commander Doom and the twin jedi sisters Tiplee and Tiplar until one died by a blaster shot from 501st Tup. 

    Doom’s Unit also has an elite detachment of 10 men where 6 of them died and they “adopted” a pilot making the squad consist of 5 men. Brimstone, Gambit, Lancer, Pipes and Locke. This was called Havoc Squad.

    Quick thing: I am 16 and have a part time job where I work 6h a week and get my schedule 1 week upfront which is sometimes different. All times are in GMT (6h ahead of EST)


    Monday - 3:30 PM - 9:30 PM
    Tuesday - 4:30 PM - 10 PM
    Wednesday - 1:50 PM - 10:30 PM
    Thursday - 3:15 PM - 12 AM
    Friday - 7 AM - 11:30 AM/4:30 PM - 12 AM
    Saturday - 6 AM - 12 AM
    Sunday - 6 AM - 8:30 PM/10:30 PM

    Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy Roleplay
    | DU ARCL Captain Rohan has played for 1451:20:18.


    Do you have a microphone
    Yes, I do.

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term

    Specialized regiment unity

    With this I want the specialized battalions to work together more. This has been mentioned many times but never went into actual motion. With this for every battalion I have an idea
    104th: The combination of shields and tanks. I talked to a 104th about this. With their tank training they have several formations in which a shield could be utilized within the infantry part of the formations. For the first formation we can do together, the wedge, we can utilize it in a way that Doom’s Unit has their shields out with lines of 104th behind them.

    Shock: With the use of our shield and the vip protection program shock has we can work together in different ways. In the case that shock will need more shields due to either not enough Riot online or just straight up needing more we can work together protecting VIPs, setting perimeters during extractions around the getaway vehicle, helping in escorts or utilizing the formation “shield door” for shock at checkpoints.
    Galactic Marines: A training we could do with the Galactic Marines involves boarding. This is not boarding a muni prop/vehicle but instead an actual dupe that has everything a ship would have. In this we combine the tactics and again the shields. 


    As of now I feel the battalion has a bit of a pack-mentality on the new recruits. I want to try and get that away so new members can become more professional as well. As for current members I want to make sure they get that it is okay to have fun, but in times of events, trainings and the time of something happening that they should be serious in game.

    Family feel

     While I want to strife and make the better more professional I also want to make the battalion a nice place to be. The way to do that in this case would be to crack down on people and their arguments where they call each other out, make each other mad and are power hungry. Those people can ruin everything and cracking down on that will be helping to get that feel in.

    Outside perspective view

    As of now I feel Doom’s Unit is seen as the mingy, non-serious battalion. I want to change that. As I said in the Professionalism part: I want to make it known when to be more serious as opposed to when to have a lot of fun and be yourselves. With that I believe if that succeeds we can make the perspective change of the battalion from the outside views.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position
    Yes, I do.

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank

    Yes, I do.


    Additional information:
    For anyone wondering if I got demoted: No I didn't, I transferred out and back in.

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