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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. +1, good luck Tyr ! :D
  2. On god, @Mavelle please stop doing this to us !! :((((((((((
  3. Name: Rohan & Razen Who helped (If applicable): Killian Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Pirate hideout on umbara with secret treasure and boxes with guns in it. He didn't get detained, instead resisted and ran away! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  4. Weapon modifiers would be nice as well, like recoil reducer or damage boost
  5. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Mori, Hansen, Seabass, Claw Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Spaceport pewpew, boom, funded by the CIS they got a few BX droids and magnaguards supporting, but the Marines were too strong for them! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes, Claw Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  6. 5/5/5, had genuine fun ! Story was there coming from an earlier Hellfire event, fun was there, and it was super immerisve.
  7. Thank you for the question Shrimp. I actually reached out to Zeros and discussed it a bit with him prior, so I'll say the same I mentioned to him. For the officer meetings first. In my opinion meetings are nice and useful if there is something that needs to discussed. However, from experience, half the time it is a formality to go over statistics & what we need to better on. Moving this over to a non-scheduled, rather when-needed, sort of format feels like the right thing for me to do currently. Do I see the concerns and understand what you have brought up? Yes, definitely. Has it made me rethink it? Of course. As I don't want to change the app here is what I did think of in the end. If this meets your standard, let me know. If not, let me know too in your reply. Moving the officer meeting over to this format would be a trial and error phase, of course. Because nothing will improve if we don't test it. So, if I were to get Rex, I would want to implement this idea and see how it goes compared to the current system. If it's shit, it's shit. If it works, it works. Learning from the possible mistake that comes with it is something I am willing to look at. In the end the better working option is what we will go with. I hope that outlines the general plan for that. Regarding the Warrant Officer position. This idea applies to the current situation on the server. I mentioned to Zeros in our conversation that it is a MINIMUM 14 day position, which I hadn't worded correctly in my application. We can all agree server numbers are not the best, even with recruiting 10 people a week there is no guarantee they stay. With that, having multiple WOs, in the current state, makes me believe we may turn into an officer battalion. Can I be wrong here? Of course. Do I still think it's a good idea? Yes, I do. Because not everyone is needed to pass through WO in order to be higher than that. I hope it somewhat answers your question. If not, I'd happily talk to you in TS or discord to explain it further with examples etc. As for the picture/quote at the bottom. The meaning of that is that based on their performance as WO, and this adds to why only 1 person, will get them their rank. I mentioned in the WO part about delegating tasks to the WO so we can see how they do on it. To be exact "One person for 14 days gets tasked with things regarding the NCO corps, leading it, and doing officer work. If needed, delegating a task from the JO/SO corps to the WO to see how it is handled as well as putting them in charge of leadership positions in game." and "This is to assess any and all skills the individual has." To explain it in easy terms: They do good -> 2ndLT, they do beyond that it'll be assessed by the officer corps and moved to a vote on what rank upto CPT. It may be reverting back to an older system or a different system that some battalions may still use, but it rewards the individual put in a special position for what they do. I hope this answers your questions, if not, I'll be open to any other ones or even talk on TS/Discord regarding it. :)
  8. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Pirates attacked the base, someone requested there be an encounter so put something together in a few minutes Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  9. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Mercenary spaceport got attacked by the GAR, succesful attack Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  10. +1, 1v1 in me Risk, I'll fold you
  11. +1, in the few interactions I have had with you, you were a nice person. I think you'll do good. Good luck, Metro :)
  12. Okay listen you edited it now it looks like I agree with whatever that is
  13. I agree with this post
  14. As you can see my schedule has changed. As opposed to being active in the EU timezone only I have the ability to be on later than usual due to how my college and work scheduling have changed. With the exception of Thursday night due to early work on Friday. So that was the change for me, hope that answers your question, and if not please let me know.
  15. I have been waived by Maddoxx Steam Name SpongeBob SquarePants RP Name DU HVOL CPT Rohan RP Rank CPT Steam ID STEAM_0:1:155676106 Battalion or squad you are applying for 501st Legion | Rex Experience In order for clone experience (excluding jedi & senate) If elaboration is needed, please let me know. Doom’s Unit Round 1 - MEDO, MEDL, first HS Gambit, REGO, REGL, CMD 327th (Transferred for a small period of time) - CPT, JTO Doom’s Unit Round 2 - ARCL, PLTL, XO, HS Locke 501st Round 1 - TCT ARC, ARCO, TC Jesse, ARCL, REGL, CMD, XO, TC Dogma, TCC Kano Doom’s unit Round 3 - ARCO, REGO, WO 501st Round 2 - MEDO, TC Kano, MEDL Doom’s Unit Round 4 (Current) - HVO, JO, HVOL Staff - HAx1, VAx1, GMOx3 GMMx2, TRO, server ITM Why should you become a Battalion Commander? Prior to applying, I have talked with the 501st Senior Officer corps+ and gotten positive feedback out of it. My thoughts on the position of Battalion Commander: I have had some time to think about this. I’ve talked to some people including all of 501st senior officer corps+ and the past Rex, looked over what the requirements & responsibilities are when obtaining the position of Battalion Commander, and it came to me that it can be both a fun & challenging experience on this server. I understand that the position of Battalion Commander is one that carries a lot of weight with it. It’s a difficult position to hold and requires an extremely high amount of commitment, professionalism, and consistency to properly run a battalion. I may not hold a current High Command position within a battalion, but with the experience I have had, I believe I am up for the task. I have had a lot of experience looking at how a battalion is run firsthand, multiple times. It takes a huge amount of work to keep improving the battalion, setting it onto the right path. I have had quite some time to consider going for the position. With this I am ready & prepared well enough to handle this leadership position. Work ethic/Dedication I will put a lot of dedication into the things I enjoy. These can be small things or bigger things, such as BCMD. In my time on the server I have been dedicated to the things I do. These include, but are not limited to, staff, GM work, officer work, branch work & management, and other different branches. This does not just apply to the game as I do have a life outside of it where I study CS and I’m dedicated to that as I enjoy it, always finding new ways to approach something from different angles. Approachability I’m a very open person, I’m willing to discuss and address situations should they arise, I listen to people’s opinions and constructively react to them. I’m also very open to criticism, should you read this, make sure you leave some if needed. Management & Leadership: As a leader, I like to lead by example. If I expect high activity, I make sure I have high activity. If I expect people to behave in-game to a certain standard, I make sure I comply with the same standards. I personally believe that you need to have role models in the high officer positions, as that’s what the new members of the battalion will be looking towards for inspiration on their own actions. I’m also good at delegating assignments, and maintaining the course of actions made in them while communicating with the individual, or individuals, working on it. This allows myself to help out making changes to the battalion, whilst also monitoring it. I am also very adaptive to situations, able to learn and change to different situations whenever they arise. The fastly adaptation has been very helpful on multiple occasions, and I believe this will greatly assist me in the leadership position. I’m able to work with people both internally and externally, taking all their feedback and opinions to influence the decisions I make for the battalion. What everyone has to say is equally important, and I’d love to work with them to make the battalion the best it can be. This can be directly, through messages or maybe even a form. I also pride myself on not making biassed decisions. I make decisions based on objective facts, and try to avoid personal feelings on the matter. I like to make and keep it constructive. Conflict resolution Dealing with conflicts also uses communication. If you have been around on the server for a hot minute you know conflicts will arise. It will be my job as BCMD to make sure I have effectively communicated to the officers how to deal with conflicts properly. And if the situation is bad enough, I will need to step in and handle it. This ONLY works well with effective communication. I can’t let emotions get the better of me and have to look at it objectively. Facts are important and as a BCMD there will be a time where I will have to make a hard decision. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad? Yes, I do Availability All time are 6 hours ahead of EST (Local timezone CEST/GMT+1) Monday | 3 PM - 12 AM Tuesday | 6 PM - 12 AM Wednesday | 6 PM - 12 AM Thursday 5 PM - 11 PM Friday 4 PM - 6 AM (Depends when I’m tired) Saturday 12 PM - 6 AM (Depends when I’m tired) Sunday 3 PM - 12 AM Times may differ as to where I have more time due to finishing school soon, which at that point only work & going out will take time away. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay? April 14, 2019 | DU HVOL 1stLT Rohan has played for 3592:40:11 Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term? In the following paragraphs it will outline what goals I want to achieve DURING my term if I were to get it, and help the future of the battalion during any Rex successors with systems that are put in place. Open Door Policy An open-door policy would effectively mean I keep myself open to what everyone has to say, allow people to make suggestions on whatever they have an opinion on, and generally keep the battalion updated on the progress on work. With regular updates, the battalion is reassured you are still developing things for them and can motivate them to continue working harder on themselves, seeing a positive change in the battalion. Senior Officer & Officer corps Warrant Officer - One person for 14 days gets tasked with things regarding the NCO corps, leading it, and doing officer work. If needed, delegating a task from the JO/SO corps to the WO to see how it is handled as well as putting them in charge of leadership positions in game. This can range from deployment leads to a big training lead. This is to assess any and all skills the individual has. As opposed to promoting from WO to 2ndLT, it would be a system based on the performance, dedication, and leadership that the officer corps has seen. 2ndLT - CPT - Main focus on leadership in game and handling disciplinary actions deemed fit within the guidelines according to the server & the battalion. - Mentoring and guiding the NCO & SNCO corps into the right direction to become successful leadership in the battalion and/or regiment/branch. MAJ - COL - Focus on mentoring ANYONE under them, this is to ensure they are up to par and are able to lead others. - Delegated tasks from the Command corps. This is not only to give them a task, but to make sure they are in the right positions as of now. - Ensure the discipline is up to par. This may be happening now, but this includes and is not limited to: blacklists, removal, officer strikes, and PT. High Command - Quality > Quantity. This is purely due to the changes coming to the officer corps. With the Senior Officers being able to handle this it won’t be a NEEDED position, but rather something that is there. I am highly convinced that it would only be beneficial if there is a stable, big, officer corps. - Transparency within the high command (and senior officer corps). NOTHING I would do as Rex, if I were to get it, would be done by me alone. Opinion, feedback, criticism, and innovation will all be discussed to the current people in the positions that need to know it prior to releasing it to the entire battalion. Think of new systems, changes, and more. Merit system - As an NCO within the 501st before the merit system felt really lacking in certain areas. What do I mean by that? I could hop on, do all my things in 1 day, log off, wait a few days, free promo, and repeat. This would mean anyone can just freely rank up by 1 or 2 hours of playing and not doing anything else. As opposed to the current system I don’t want to remove it, but rather remove the requirement for promotion linked to that. It will just be a TIG system, which will be decided upon when the entire officer corps agrees on it, and in account will be taken the points from the activities the individual has done in his/her rank to show they are actively helping the battalion. - With this change I believe introducing a well put in place system for goals in the battalion, like Doom’s Unit has (Thx Doom) to ensure things get done. This will increase the amount of “trainings” or sims, recruitment time, and more. This of course comes with rewards such as TOTW getting some compensation for their work in the form of credits, something from the store etc, from me personally. - Positives of the goals: Tasks to keep the battalion up, improving battalion relations (Joint trainings, joint comms during events, RP with each other). Subunits - For the subunits I trust the leaders in their position. They are there for a reason and as BCMD I will not be handling that directly. With that being said, I will ONLY step in in the following scenarios: No lead, discipline to the lead, and/or inactivity from the lead/2IC for that subunit. The people in the positions of Vaughn (332nd) and Appo (TC) are there for a reason, and I will leave that to them unless requested or I see that I need to step in. Jedi - Coming from the current officer corps I talked to prior to making this application I have gotten the same recurring complaint: Jedi. What can I do with this? - Course of action will start with giving the Jedi Lead & Officers about a week or two to get back to me with activity & issues they have personally. - Push the recruitment of jedi through in-game and the jedi discord channel where you can @ people for !! Communication - Coming from the talks I had with the senior officers throughout the day there is some lack of communication. Improving that would be extremely well done. How will I do that? - Removing set dates for officer/nco meetings. Instead moving to a plan for battalion meetings once per month at the end, officer meetings when needed, and a high command meeting prior to the battalion meeting. How does this improve any communications? Officer meetings may sound useful, however having everything over text in a channel, where we can look back at stuff, may be a better move in most scenarios in my opinion. - Any sort of changes and new implementations will be set to a transparent solution. What does this mean? Any and all plans for the battalion will be communicated to the battalion, the officer corps, and anyone else along with its progress. This will make the people know of the upcoming changes within the battalion and it’s systems. Discipline - Already touched on this lightly before, but officers will be handling this. Never will we have a separate team for this. - Strikes will go into the following order. Enlisted, any strike, is removed. NCO+ 1 strike is a demotion and a second within 2 weeks is a removal. Why so strict? Because the server’s rules and image of the battalion still count here. Strikes will not be given out easily. Some reasons for a strike may consist of the following: breaking major server rules, valid RDM arrest, etc. Battalion image - I believe that one of the battalion improvements is battalion relations, however the battalion’s image shows a willingness to accept feedback from others and work with them, rather than shutting them out. One of the first things I would like to have is a bi-weekly open feedback form. Mainly in the command discord, one for the officer feedback and one for the battalion as a whole. This can give us an outside perspective of what we need to improve on. All change - Any and all changes during this term I aim for to be used by the next BCMD. Not just now, but the foreseeable future. - Creating a line of succession through my term. Additional changes - If any other concerns may arise during the time I am Rex there's the following options - Tear it down and build it back up with a better system or innovate it, depending on the severity and importance of the concern. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, I do Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? Yes, I do
  16. Rohan

    Operation 48184 B

    5/5/5, handled it well when the server was dying on it's own
  17. That's why comics said 2nd Havoc Squad pretty sure
  18. sorry A-a-ron, I apologize and I hope you forgive me!
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