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About Vito

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  1. When you looked up to Rex and absolutely die without a semi-active battalion commander, now were gonna have to call Woeny or Jackson No-life Battalion Commanders- Your One and Only pure Italian player of Synergy Roleplay (Ridge )
  2. +1 I'm his mum, And Everytime I walk into his room, I see him on this thing called "Synergy Roleplay" He looks like a very active member, He loves it more then he loves me, He doesn't want to go to the mall with me, because he's too busy playing on this server, My son here is a very nice and kind sweet loving individual.
  3. Vito

    Inwin's staff app

    +1 Even if he is young, he seems mature, and does not seem as if he would abuse his powers, I haven't seen anything bad about him, and I see he is a active member of the server.
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