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Posts posted by J.Jefferson

  1. RP Name: Jefferson

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79552013

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 19

    Time zone: CST (I usually play late night) 

    What was your previous staff rank?: Overseer

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No, I am not

    Why did you leave the staff team?: Got burnt out of Garry's Mod. 

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to rejoin the staff team so I can reconnect with the community and help out more. I usually play late night when no one is on so I would be able to help out in that department. I feel like there is a lack of events at night so that would be my main priority once I achieve the rank to do events/encounters. It also gives me a chance to put more into my battalion, doing events, encounters, trainings, etc. 

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): My time as staff was pretty enjoyable in my opinion, I don't think there was ever a time that staff was in a bad place with the current high staff at the time. The high staff was making tons of good changes to the staff team like the whole branch system where you could be either a TR or Gamemaster making staff more flexible. I will admit we did go through a couple GMC/GMOs during my time as staff but besides that events where always flowing no matter the time of the day and during downtime people who could build would build stuff for other battalion's/events. I don't remember how the TR branch was doing at the time since I was not a TR.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes, I do understand

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    -1 this ain’t it chief 

    1. These are IFN models, do not a great start 

    2. The current state of the server doesn’t allow another squad or battalion to be added 

    3. They offer nothing special or unique they are a copy paste of the 501st and 212th

    Just gonna debunk this. First, every battalion on the server is the same because everyone can do training for what x battalion does making that battalion unless. 2nd off we use IFN models on the server so I don’t know what kind of argument that is. 


    - 1 

    • Confused 1
  3. +1. It would add a bit more role play to the server instead of just pressing B. Just only give it to ARF and BCMDs. Plus CG can just arrest anyone who does the zap thing.

    Maybe someone could try to remove the feature but it would require development. 


    • Disagree 1
  4. I will admit the old 41st high command was not what we needed in the battalion at the time. Yes, the battalion was thriving with numbers but the drama and toxicity followed with it.  Most of us at the time where young and stupid and where more worried about losing Egg and not focusing on improving ourselves as a battalion/person. I hated who I was two years ago but when you let your emotions cloud your judgement people will look at you that way forever. I just wanna say a lot of us aren't even apart of the whole "Odinson Group" just because we hang out with those individuals doesn't mean we associate with what certain members have done. I left all the old drama behind because it was childish and not good for the server as a whole but what I want to know is how you have changed as a person and why I should change my -1 to a +1. 

    For now -1. I wish you the best of luck.


    • Agree 2
  5. Just now, Bazoo said:

    @J.Jefferson just quick question before I +1 or -1 this. Ive been friend with you for a while when you were still playing on this server. I am just wondeirng are you planning on coming back actively or kinda like Dargon just to hang out ? And if you are planning into coming back actively what are your plans on the server if you were to be unbanned ?

    To answer your question I will be coming back to hang out like Dargon.  If I got unbanned I would try to help fix relations with some people and try to help out any battalion what needs it.


    RP Name/Steam Name: J.Jefferson/TheStrike13

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79552013

    Date of Ban: 11/27/18

    Length of Ban: Perm

    Offense: Mass RDM, Drama

    Banned By: Joah

    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:

    Looking back on what I did before I got banned I did some really childish stuff. I want to start off by apologizing to the High Staff of Synergy Roleplay because of all the unnecessary drama between battalions and the countless hours of their time wasted because they had to deal with either me or the 41st. Throughout my time on the server, I spread much drama, created fights and made synergy a generally toxic place, and for that, I would like to personally apologize to Joah and the founders. Lastly, I want to apologize to any player/battalion  I may have disrespected or made feel unwanted on the server. I know sorry isn’t enough, but if I get one more chance I promise I will not mess it up.

    Throughout my time on the server, I reached many achievements, such as XO of 41st, Master Cin Drallig, and Overseer of staff. I spent over 2000 hours on the server because I was dedicated to improving the healthiness and bettering the community as a whole. Although I spent so long, I threw all my work down the drain, creating drama and being peer pressured into doing some stupid things that I now regret. Looking back, I had many negative ideas about others and their battalions and opinions. Everything I said was based on what I saw, and at many times I jumped to conclusions, but I believe I have learned my lesson from the 2 months I have been banned. I want to go back to playing with my friends and spending quality time on the server. I don’t want to see all the work I put into the server go down the drain because of my dumb mistakes.


    I feel people will be kind enough to at least give me a second chance so I can show that I have changed and that I have bettered myself as a person. I feel that if and when I get unbanned, I will be able to impact the community in a more positive manner again.

    Evidence to support your claims: N/A

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