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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. RP Name: TR Spec Ops SS SSG Thunder Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48719362 VIP (Y/N): Yes. Age: 14 Timezone: Central What was your previous staff rank?: Veteran Admin Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No. Why did you leave the staff, team?: I left the staff team because I didn't have the time to be dedicated to it. I got caught up with school work because I was doing classes that I wasn't ready for at the time, and I was really stressed out about it. Along with this, I wasn't having as much fun as I was when I started, which added on to me deciding to leave. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team?: I now have a lot more free time then I did last year, and I am enjoying the server a lot more now. I've been playing now for about a week and I feel like I have seen how the server has changed and I am ready to come back as a staff member. I want to help the server again, as I used to do, and I think that re-applying would be the best way to do this. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.
  2. +1 this is a really good app, good luck man!
  3. Yeah, I've decided i'm gonna wait to re apply for later. Thanks
  4. RP Name: SO PVT Thunder Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48719362 VIP (Y/N): Yes. Age: 14 Timezone: Central What was your previous staff rank?: Veteran Admin Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No. Why did you leave the staff, team?: I ran into issues getting on due to a lot of school work. Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I want to be able to help the community once again. When I was a VA, I really enjoyed being able to help people on the server in what they needed. I had a lot of fun playing with everyone on the server and just being in the community in general. I want to be able to help with random jobs around the map and train CCs once again. Along with all of this, I now have more free time than I did last year and I feel like I can be active in staff once again. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes.
  5. Name: Thunder Length of LOA: 2 days Reason: burnt out af Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes Like this
  6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name:Thunder Event Name: Infectious Summary of the story: After performing some tests on the doors in Hangar 1, a weird purple space rock flew in and crashed in there. Some clones went in and found some infected troopers who were really commando droids, and toom them down to the medbay. Once they got there, they started shooting everyone up.The medbay got locked down, and eventually the commando droids died. Before they died, however, they put a virus in the vents so some clones started getting infected. Some clones got infected and we had some medrp. Eventually, we pushed the rock out of the hangar and all is now well. What was the result of the event?: The clones got cured. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both
  7. Name: Thunder Length of LOA: Until Friday, 10/6/17 Reason: School is getting crazy and I want to do my best, so I wont have as much time on. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  8. Name:Thunder Event Name: CIS engine mishap Summary of the story: A CIS pod landed on the hull of the ship, so some GM went out to inspect it. Turns out there were some commando droids in there, and killed the GM. The droids got onto the ship, and snuck around until they were compromised. The CIS then proceeded to send in battle droids. The commando droids planted a virus in comms, which got comms down. Then, engine 2 just fucking burst into flames (special thanks to tomas) And we had some fun repairing the engine. What was the result of the event?: Engine 2 got fucked for a while and the CIS left Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Both <3
  9. THIS DIDNT GO AS PLANNED Name: Thunder Event Name: Tayvin Clan Part 2 Summary of the story: So, there was a part 1 to this were the Republic became allies of Tayvin clan through Palpatine. They came back, asking for help to defend their homes from the deathwatch. They met with the highest members of each battalion, so they could get men to help. Eventually it all went to shit for some reason and everyone started shooting up the Tayvin clan members. What was the result of the event?: They tried killing tayvin clan even though we had an alliance. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Rolelplay What was originally supposed to happen was the Tayvin clan got a select few people to help on their mission, and there would be a part 3 on the event server. I'm going to try and do this again when Max is on and we have an event server. It will make it much better. So, in saying this, it did not go as planned. I'm going to revise it with some people to help make it better. Sorry.
  10. Name: Thunder Event Name: Gungan Craziness Summary of the story: After having a stupid gungan pilot crash the 2 representatives into the Jedi Temple, the gungans went onto the ship to talk to the naval about what happened. They pressed a couple buttons, and then everything just went down. The lights went out (sorta) and the gungans got scared and went to hide. They found them and took them to the IR, where they were questioned. The CIS forces then tracked down the Gungans because they apparently had some Republic information, so the clones took the gungans to the IR. Finally, we went into DB and we got sent back to Coruscant. What was the result of the event?: The gungans were safe and got sent back to coruscant. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Roleplay and shoot em up
  11. I'm gonna +1. SC needs a leader.
  12. What type of events would you guys like to see? Roleplay? Shoot em ups? Want to make sure that I make everyone happy the best I can, and if you have an event idea, please put it in the event idea section <3
  13. Name: Thunder Event Name: Stealth Attack Summary of the story: Count Dooku told Asajj Ventress to go on to the Venator in order to steal some information for the CIS cause. To do this, he supplied Ventress with a stealth ship. The plan was for Asajj and 2 droids to get in sneakily, get the information, and get out, but that obviously didn't work. A few minutes after warping out of hyperspace, some clones found the ship and reported it in. The droids then proceeded to start firing on the clones from the ship. The clones finally took ahold of the ship, and extracted some valuable military CIS information. They then proceeded to blow up the ship. Asajj called for a ship to escape from the temple, and a few minutes later, she was gone. What was the result of the event?: Asajj escaped and we now have some valuable CIS military information. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot 'em up!
  14. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, MY EVENT DID NOT GO AS PLANNED. SORRY. Name: Thunder Event Name: Cloaked Chaos Summary of the story: After feeling some shaking at nosegate as if someone has boarded the ship, 5 commando droids came on and tried to take over. Some went to ATC/Comms, and some went to ER. We tried to take down the ship and get data. What was the result of the event?: We got the data, but we didnt take down the ship. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up ONCE AGAIN, SORRY FOR THE EVENT JOBS. I KNOW IT GOT ANNOYING. I TOLD THEM TO STOP.
  15. Yeah lmao, we had to work with what we had. Didn't want a clone being dooku
  16. Welp boys, its been a good run. Aust is probably dead and I'm the last commander. RIP.
  17. You put this in pending, but +1. Really lengthy and detailed.
  18. This is the wrong format and in the wrong section, I'll get a forum admin to move it.
  19. -1. USE. THE. TEMPLATE. <3
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