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Loopy Newby

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Posts posted by Loopy Newby

  1. Dedicated, Kind and Overall Helpful.
    A nice and friendly face to see who is a helluva of leader when he was in 501st, You'll never see anyone so fast to help someone like he does so i definitely support the man 

    The only worry i have is if football will take your time away as Hunter. 

    • Friendly 1
  2. Image result for shut up boomer

    Honestly the dude is a sweet and kind guy who helps everyone the best he can to the point where even though i just recently had interactions with him i already respect him highly. I also couldn't think of anyone to replace the legend that is Qal besides the legend that is Korm. Good luck Boomer.

    Image result for dancing boomer gif

    • Funny 3

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    Name: Loopy

    Who helped (If applicable): Camper and Tyennoch

    Event Name: Monument to your sins

    Summary of the story: 

    The Sarlacc, A creature with a horrifying reputation of being extremely durable and unnaturally cruel with how it treats its prey.


     A well known aspect of the sarlacc is its peculiar ability to absorb there foods knowledge although it seems to not use this ability much due its prey being mostly small animals that were unfortunate enough to get close but they have eaten humans before and gained their knowledge although most of it isn’t that useful to the parasite. But an ambitious Sith during the Great Sith War was creating a living and breathing super weapon from a sarlacc to destroy the Jedi and win the war for the Sith empire. His goal was to make a force sensitive sarlacc that had the knowledge of thousands, possibly billions of Jedi and Sith and to control it as his own beast by mutating it and controlling it allowing the sarlacc to do things normally impossible due to its anatomy.


     But as time passed the war was starting to go into the Jedi’s favor and the final battle to kill Exar Kun had begun which cause the Sith to feverishly work to prep his creation for battle but it was too late, the Jedi had won and the remaining Sith turned on each other like rabid dogs. In despair the Sith walked to his creation and cast himself into its gaping maw to be consumed by the creature he created, but that was not the end of the story, the sarlacc consumed there master and added him into his conscience which made him come up with a goal, to consume and gain the knowledge of every being in the galaxy. The sarlacc knew he couldn’t do much where he was so he spit out a spore, the first stage of the a sarlacc’s life cycle and let it float to other planets and consume all life on these barely know outer-rim worlds but this was obviously a slow process ...Thousands of years passed and the creature was becoming smarter and more dangerous and today it was going to see where all the Jedi were as a spore landed on a cave and started to grow a sarlacc rapidly within the cave systems creating another copy of these horrific force sarlacc. It started to relay the information of what it had found to the original sarlacc which cause the thousand year old creature much joy as it told the sarlacc to consume the planets population and add it to its vastness of knowledge so it may grow in power. But will it be shocked by how hard these clones and Jedi fight? We shall see.


    Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sarlacc


    Inspiration: https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Gravemind

    What was the result of the event?: The clones destroyed the sarlacc

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with comms RP


  5. 8/10

    Very laggy i cannot lie but i will look passed it.  I enjoyed the premise and loved being sieged in by droids within slate giving a exhausting combat feel like how a siege should! The critques i do have is that droids kept appearing from no explainable position and the story could've used some work but overall i liked it.

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