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Posts posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. I talked to Korm a decent amount during the ark times, He was a super funny down to earth positive guy. This actually saddens me to hear this and even thought I personally didn't talk to Korm on a daily basis, I can say I will miss this man and offer my condolences to his closer friends and his family. 

    Fly high buddy, You will be missed. Rest in peace you cheerful soul. 

    • Winner 1
  2. You spoiled one of the BEST movies that has been released in for ever, people have waited over a year for.

    "so i was not aware of the rules of spoiling movies" 

    You could have maybe stopped and thought before you spoke, rather then spoiling this amazing movie. 

    I cant give a + or - 1 on since I dont play gaymod. But this was a dick move none the less, coming from the biggest ex-dick of the server. 


    • Agree 1
  3. I know im not really active in the community that much anymore, but an opinion is an opinion. The Patrick thing wasn't a sham, I was there when Zim had to leave and talk to the police with Square and spoke to Patrick when he was still in the hospital when he popped into the discord a week or so after this all happened. My opinion is simple, Cyber Bullying falls under bullying so all the the ones saying "He DiDnT bUlLy HiM iTs A lIe" don't know the full story.  On top of that, those saying the full incident is a lie, youre genuinely pathetic. Why would so many people make one lie to put one man down? This hasn't happened previously so why would it happen now. 

    The fact of the matter is the evidence is provided by both sides, Maymays only cares about himself and even bashed the community multiple times and is now crawling back. Funny how the world turns, you do something to make an ass out of yourself you're treated like an asshole. 

    If it wasn't obvious enough. -1

  4. Everyone saying "-1 YoU sTaRtEd DrAmA" 

    Im stating this, i like snad i really do, but he couldn't handle criticism that was meant to help him. As i agree taytay shouldn't have said oxen and matra ran away because well one, Oxen got deployed and two Matra has a life unlike most of us retards. Taytay shouldn't have been promoted as fast as he was thats true, and taytay could have minus one it. Taytay is a great officer and dosent even play games with us anymore because hes so focused on the server. Snad, could have stood against the criticism and built himself up, but insted he stepped down meaning he in a mental state wasn't ready for any  sort of BCMD position.   I like Taytay but im remaining neutral because I know hes a good officer im not sure if hes BCMD ready.  

    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Post Scralone said:

    @WaterMelonWolf You're a fucking RETARD but I love you brother, go chill and now im challenging you to not say the word  "retard" for atleast 1 week, now I bet you can't do that! 😛 


    I didnt even last 3 hours the last time i tried.... welp here we go again 1 week of not saying it starts at 2PM EST, 9/7/2018  lets see if i can do it.

    I.... I lost at 5pm, EST 9/7/2018

    Dex opened his mouth... self explanatory 
    @Post Scralone

    • Funny 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Joah said:

    oof, That sucks, Someone who challenges you thinking you're a marshal commander and dismissing null from a MANDATORY DEBRIEF. Sorry my ego is not as big as yours as it once was. Best of luck out there in your future endeavors. 


    P.S. Let's blacklist dragon from null because we disagree with something he did. Amirite EXDE

    P.S.S I can still blacklist you NERRRDDD

    I didn't realize i got access to Joahs account. 

    • Winner 1
    • Friendly 1
  7. There are things i agree and disagree. VIP Game master are NOT going to happen, zim has denied it 3 times now he will make it a fourth. I how ever do agree are current game masters are lazy and dont host as many events that are needed. I feel as if the higher up for GM need to do a whipe, or start promoting people to SA who seem passionate about hosting events. We need more of them lmao.

    • Agree 1
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